ok, i was in this delima of biulding a 100mhz pentium 1, and i didn't have nothing but a harddrive and a floppy drive. if you are ever in this situation, this howto might help. and it may teach some a little about nfs and how to make it work a little. however this isn't the oddest way to install slak, some go so far as to say you can install it through you printer port. ok here goes for the nfs slak install, first you need the slackware iso image, down load it to the /tmp directory, then as root,
mkdir /mnt/loop1
mount -o loop,unhide -t iso9660 -r install.iso /mnt/loop1
after it mounts add
/mnt/loop1 *(ro,insecure,all_squash)
to your nfs exports file, normally located at
once you have added that and started the nfs deamon and the lockd deamon, for this example the nfs servers ip is, type in /*still as root*/
/usr/sbin/exportfs -r
now create the proper slackware bootdisk from the loopback mounted slackware disc
by typing in
dd if=bare.i of=/dev/fd0
insurt new disk
cd ../rootdsks
dd if=color.gz of=/dev/fd0
insurt new disk
dd if=network.dsk of=/dev/fd0
and you should have all the correct boot disks to proceed
/dev/fd0 might be different depending on your version of linux/unix
then put the boot disk in the cdrom-less machine and boot it up
when it asks for the root disk, insert the one that you dd'd color.gz onto,
once it gets down booting
login as root, theres no password yet
and type in network,
then just follow the disks instructions, if your network card is supported it should autoprobe
ok then
ifconfig eth0 inet 192.168.0.X netmask
the netmask has to be the same as the nfs server and the X should be replaced with an unused ip
if you use dhcp then type in
ifconfig eth0 dhcp
i think
then type in
route add default gateway
replace the with your router
then type
mkdir /nfs
mount -t nfs /nfs
then type in
go throught the standerd install when it askes for the source, tell it premounted
the type in
then go through the standerd slakware install,
ill have more when it gets done k
i hope this helped some poor soul out there
p.s. hey voidmain and calum do you think i should try to turn this into an offical minihowto or something