Author Topic: some expert advice please?  (Read 443 times)


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some expert advice please?
« on: 31 October 2003, 05:31 »
my dad's company is trying to get rid of some surplus pentiumII computers and are selling them cheap, with no operating system.  i was thinking that it might be worth it to get a few of them and fix them up into a little linux server.  

now my question is, is it worthwhile and what could i accomplish by doing that, and if i did, what would be the best linux or other operating system to use that would get the best results on such outdated computers?  

any input would be great, thanks ya'll.
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some expert advice please?
« Reply #1 on: 3 November 2003, 01:24 »
Well yeah you could do that, but you should know what you want to do with the server.  You can do anything really on *NIX based systems.  I would reccomend OpenBSD but you sound like your new and it's not the easiest to get running.  If your new I suggest Mandrake Linux, it is very easy to get going.  I also recommend looking at the linux documentation project because I think they have some nice howto's on how to get everything for your server working.  Good luck.


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some expert advice please?
« Reply #2 on: 3 November 2003, 05:38 »
pII's run Linux nicely    

It would be best to have at least 64 MB ram.  More gives better performance for heavy serving.

[ November 02, 2003: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

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some expert advice please?
« Reply #3 on: 3 November 2003, 06:48 »
First, let me tell you that I'm not a Linux expert; however, I can tell you that Linux can save you a shitload of money - not to mention agravation - not only as a server, but also as a workstation.

Second, I run Linux on PII just fine and I'd suggest lots of memory.

Third, I'd suggest that you be more specific on what you'd like to do and accomplish, and then repost the question. Linux can do many, many things.

Fourth, try Knoppix or Mandrake first, learn lots of Linix, become a member of your local LUG (Linux Users Group), and keep learnign Linux.

Fifth, get rid of windoze ME ASAP.

Good luck!


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some expert advice please?
« Reply #4 on: 3 November 2003, 08:26 »
well, here are the computer's specs first off:

Dell Pentium II 400 MHZ Desktop Computer, with 128 MB RAM, 6 GB Hard Drive, CD ROM, Integrated Video and Audio, Ethernet Card
Dell 17” P780 monitor
Harmon Kardon speakers
Mouse, keyboard, power cords
56K modem
30 day warranty and technical support
No operating system or software

ok.  now what i want to know i guess is what i CAN do with a small network of these? like can i share resources between them, can i use them to play lan games, can i have one main computer pulling hardrive space and ram from the others to make a more powerful single computer or something.  i'm just starting on my information tech major and wondering if this would be a good learning experience that could also benefit me down the road.  thanks for your help fellas
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