Author Topic: How to uninstall linux and install windows....  (Read 1557 times)


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How to uninstall linux and install windows....
« Reply #15 on: 14 June 2002, 14:48 »
if you rely on common knowledge to get you through then you deserve all you get. There are tons of ways to wipe a drive and almost as many ways to create a fat32 partition, assuming you have access to either a windows floppy, the internet, or a running copy of windows.

My point is, why would you ever want to switch back to windows? i say all the better that it was hard to switch back, although that's another thing that's Microsoft's fault.
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How to uninstall linux and install windows....
« Reply #16 on: 14 June 2002, 16:37 »
i doubt anyone who has a good linux distro and accsess to some resources. Will begin to hate Microsoft more and more, as they learn Linux more and more. Thats what happened with me... 13 months ago i was a lame script kiddy who typ'd lik dis and then looking up "Winnukes" i found which is where i heard of Linux. I looked up more linux... one month later i was at a newstand and i seen the "Linux Minibook" which came with Red-Hat 7.0 and TurboLinux 6 and a guide that even my nan could comprehend. With this i learned linux and how it kick Windows's A$$ and i started to hate Microsoft. Then early this year i found thee "FuckMicrosoft Forums" and here i am. A Linux Junkie!!!


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How to uninstall linux and install windows....
« Reply #17 on: 14 June 2002, 16:54 »
i heard of L00nix from my dad's friend, the tech guy from work. he said it was by some guy in that uh...north part of europe giving away some operating system for free. i wanted to try it but my dad said no  :(

the bad part about not being able to switch back to windows is that it left my computer useless, not worth buying a new hard drive for and can't get the old one to work, now it's scrap.


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How to uninstall linux and install windows....
« Reply #18 on: 14 June 2002, 17:03 »
as my thread fire hazard shows, i have quite a few systems that people think should be taken out and buried. there has to be away to get a free unix working on it somehow. it just depends on how hard you try. read the warped slackware howto to get an idea of how hard i have tried to get things working, all i can say is try try and try try again. if you put a different harddrive in /*i used to have one as a paperweight too*/ you might be able to get it working either way.
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How to uninstall linux and install windows....
« Reply #19 on: 15 June 2002, 03:31 »
hey i didnt mean to stir shit up

you could have left the drive intact tho -i am sure we coulda figured it out
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