Author Topic: Finally took the big plunge.  (Read 885 times)


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Finally took the big plunge.
« on: 5 February 2002, 20:52 »
Just wanted to say I wiped out windows last night, and have been playing with mandrake all morning. It looks MUCH easier than I feared.

 I basically know very little about computers, and was worried about how difficult it would be. But so far it is quite simple.

 Probably would not have made the jump if it weren't for all the fast and friendly answers I've seen from you guys, and others. So thanks ahead of time, I'm sure I'll be begging for help now and then.


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Finally took the big plunge.
« Reply #1 on: 5 February 2002, 23:11 »
Wow, you *did* take the big plunge.  Brave enough to not even set up a dual boot.  I am proud of you!  It will help you learn at a faster rate by going all out.  Most people set up a dual boot and then rather than spending the 5 minutes it takes to figure out how something works differently in Linux than Windows, they reboot, then come and complain that Linux sux. It doesn't get a proper and whole hearted effort in these cases and it's a shame.

But that's ok, Linux can stay my little secret if that's what it has to be, as long as MS .NET and .Passport doesn't .prevent me from my .choice (TM).

Feel free to ask any questions you like, I'll bet you get a prompter, less expensive, more useful answer here than what you can get from MS support for MS products.
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Finally took the big plunge.
« Reply #2 on: 7 February 2002, 19:54 »
I have this friend and he has a 200Mhz computer, probably a Pentium or Pentium 2 maybe, and on Monday i told him he should run Linux instead of Windows on his machine since it runs more stable and faster on a slower PC with less memory (so i've heard). The fact that it's free probably endeared itself to him too, and i gave him a bunch of links for getting Linux and pointed him to webpages that explain the whole thing and answer questions et c.
Now, he usually posts every day on this bulletin board at and it's now Thursday and i haven't heard a peep from him since i suggested he get Linux. SO either he's head down and learning it like nobody's business or else he's tried and ended up with a box of silicon and wires that are totally beyond his control! I'll keep you posted...
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Finally took the big plunge.
« Reply #3 on: 8 February 2002, 02:51 »
I know that I didn't start running a duel boot untill I had had linux running for a few months, It was a great opertunity to get used to the OS undestracted.  After that I did set up a duel boot which I have since wiped, Who needs games when you can read freshmeat.


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Finally took the big plunge.
« Reply #4 on: 11 February 2002, 21:01 »
heh, i ran windows... let's see..hmmm... about a total of a month when i first got my 400mhz machine (around aug. 96') after that month i was like fark this and installed linux, over the time i've grown to love this os.... and i make people cower under it's power! (oh and my little penguin who sits on my monitor keeps me company!)

"Linux is user-friendly. It is not ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly."