Originally posted by kinky:
the only thing i havent seen pointed out
Lindows has not released any full versions to the public yet. You can get the stuff they are working on if your an insider (costs money)
or get the stuff they are working on on microtel PCs... because they claim "they have been extenisvly tested and certified"
either way.. they have not released a version of lindows yet that they actually want to sell directly as an OS by itself. because they arent finished enough with it.. for many of the problems stated.
Do i like Lindows? not that much.. right now... its pretty sucky and i dont care if they ever finish.
but i really hate when people bash things just to bash it.
Opinions are like assholes... everyone has one.. and they all smell bad
i don't understand what you are saying.
You appear to be saying that people should not dis lindows because they have not brought out a finished version yet and therefore their actual product cannot be accurately compared with other 'finished' "systems". is this the case?
if so, may i respond...
firstly, there is no 'finished' version of windows. if there were one, what would be people's incentive to "upgrade"?
secondly, if lindows are not finished making their "system", then why are they CHARGING FOR IT??? that alone is worthy of criticism.
thirdly, lindows was supposed to be finished almost a year ago, if you believed the blurb on their website from the end of 2001. Sounds like BULL SHIT to me.
fourthly, and this is the most important one, as i have repeatedly said before, the politics of this situation is much more relevant than the actual performance issue. Lindows, unlike Microsoft windows, is perceived as a linux distribution. this alone, judging by the number of wannabe-unixheads type windoids around will be VERY damaging. These potentially openminded windoids will use lindows for a few days, decide it's shit, and then they will go back to their 20 year old, much more mature but just as shit, "system", and what's more they will resent paying for "linux" for the rest of their miserable RRIA constrained lives.
And THAT is what's so bad about lindows.