Author Topic: The Empire Strikes Out...  (Read 994 times)


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The Empire Strikes Out...
« on: 2 October 2002, 21:31 »

Microsoft High Command has noticed Australia, and is unleashing Steve Ballmer on it in an effort to stop its biggest customer in the southern hemisphere, Telstra, from going MIA, according to a report in today's Australian IT. It is not immediately clear to us whether the Aussies get Steve because they're still deemed by the High Command as not sufficiently important to rate Bill, or whether it's because the barking, yelping, frighteningly whirling Ballmer is deemed more appropropriate for such an upfront and demonstrative nation.

I hope to fucking hope that Steve fucks up and they laugh at him.


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The Empire Strikes Out...
« Reply #1 on: 2 October 2002, 22:20 »
Having read the article there is the definite impression that Telstra are going to run a conversion anyway. That M$ are already out of the main picture on this one. At the very most they will end up bit part players in the game. Ballmer will at most get an extension of business.

But don't get you hopes up too much. What you are seeing is a preliminary call in the old game. No company likes to single source from ANY vendor. It's bad business, the most you can get is price lowering (unless you goal is to drive the vendor out of business), and this applys to software. What a lot of big companies are doing now is looking at multisource vending of their computer software and services. In other words they will play one off against the other. This is the way it must start.
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Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.


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The Empire Strikes Out...
« Reply #2 on: 2 October 2002, 22:54 »
Finally i wont be forced to us an M$ ridden ISP.
Take a loog at what runs.
where my website is hosted.
and who owns it.

Telstra have the phone line rental monopoly in Australia. Meaning there are other phone companys, but the lines are owned by telstra.


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The Empire Strikes Out...
« Reply #3 on: 2 October 2002, 23:00 »
Ahhh...thanks Ex. Now I understand why Ballmer was sent. This has little to with OSs and everthing to do with access.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.


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The Empire Strikes Out...
« Reply #4 on: 3 October 2002, 00:53 »
"I hope to fucking hope that Steve fucks up and they laugh at him."

I'll second that. It would be nice to see Monkey Boy (developers, developers, developers...    :D  ) Ballmer really embarrass himself while he's "Down Under". Perhaps this is why he's being sent? If Ballmer fucks up, then it's strictly his fault. But if His Gatesness went himself, and failed, it would look too much like Microsoft, itself, had failed. Like any good consigliore, Ballmer takes the heat for his "godfather".

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