Yes, you would just add another script to the Sessions directory and add a section for it in the Xsessions file as you did. Obviously each Window manager is different in how it is configured and how it is customized but you didn't ask for help with that.
IceWM look like a decent light weight Window manager but I'll stick with Gnome and KDE since I have the power to burn. Glad you got it working.
BTW, the little trick we did with db3 and the "ln -s" and the "--nodeps" is not the cleanest way to do it. And I would not suggest getting in the habbit of doing things that way. It's just the quickest/easiest way I could think of to solve your problem without downgrading your db3. It would have been best to have both versions of db3 installed, or better yet compile IceWM against the newer db3 library as function calls between the different versions could have possibly changed slightly causing problems with IceWM.
I didn't notice any problems, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any. I'm not exactly sure what IceWM uses the db3 libraries for.
[ October 20, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]