Author Topic: PKUNZIPping?  (Read 543 times)


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« on: 10 June 2002, 18:43 »
so i have got a CD off of the front cover of LXF, and i want to use the stuff on the CD. Some of it comes as .zip files. how do i get them? i tried to cursorily use gunzip and bunzip2 but to no avail. is there another utility? or just some argument that i am not adding here? also, how do i create pkzip style zip files, for use on a windows computer?

I could reboot and use winzip but that takes ages and defeats the point really...
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« Reply #1 on: 10 June 2002, 18:47 »
unzip blah/blah

that should work

zip blah

but i don't know the syntax of the zip command so youll probably have to read the man page on it
however, if you are using winzip, it can recongnize tar.gz and tar.bz2 files, just not with two files like Hey.txt and hey.txt in them, it wants to over right them
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« Reply #2 on: 10 June 2002, 18:50 »
no i don't want to use winzip, it sucks cock. Actually it only sucks cock because it runs in windows.

Ta for the answers, i'll get right on it...
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