Originally posted by VoidMain:
Would someone please ban that dumb fucker XP Luser already?!?!?!?!?!
Ok, back on topic. m0r, try running this "rpm --rebuilddb" and see what happens. It should rebuild your RPM database. I have not seen that error before and I have no idea how you got to that point but it appears your database got screwed up.
There is *nothing* wrong with RPM package management. Those that state otherwise do not understand it or know how to use it. It may be a little harder to learn than "apt-get" but it is a FINE package management system.
First, RE: XPEEPEE, He's gonna find out what a tiger trap is, when I'm done with him, he'll be looking around his room before he gets out of bed.
Second; RPM's are my biggest dislike as far as RedHat et al goes; it doesn't check dependancies, tries to install the package, and then drops the whole damned mess in your lap. That doesn't happen with apt; it CAN'T.
There's hope on the horizon. Connectiva Linux (yes, one of the members of United Linux) has a utility called apt-rpm; it's a port of apt-get for RPM based distros. I'm not sure, but I think it's available for the latest releases of RedHat.
BTW; apt isn't ALL that easy to learn; there's a lot of thing you can do wrong (believe me I found out the hard way). It's so configureable you can easily get lost, but once you get a firm understanding of it, it just stands head and shoulders over other package managers.