Precisely, HPC GUY!
The DMCA, TCPA, DRM, all this isn't about "copyright protection"... it's about "knowledge control".
The entertainment cartels here in the States want to CONTROL KNOWLEDGE. That's been clear to me for some time. Sure it sounds ludicrous, and like some kind of conspiracy theory... but look at the evidence.
It's not some fanatic's ramblings about shadowy events that might point toward something. It's out in the open, in plain sight. They're not making any attempt to hide the fact that they feel they have the right to control all knowledge.
They boil everything down to the lowest common denominator. Creative works become "content". Content isn't appreciated, it's "consumed". This content is then intellectual property, or "ip". They've now semantically removed it from being a work of artistic creation into being a product, then removed it once further into being a non-product, but merely a generalization.
All music is content, and all content is our ip. Music is not music, it's ip.
The TCPA will technologically entrench the concepts of the DMCA. Not only will you be prohibited by law from doing, seeing, and knowing certain things, but now they have a method of actually policing. They can know when you look at anti-DMCA materials, and then they can sick the lawyers on you.
These people aren't just a threat to the United States, either. Once they ruin this place... they're comin' for you! Start now in your own countries while you've got a chance. I fear it's too late for us.
I hear that Canada and England are both beautiful places to live. I should like to move to one or the other someday, so that I can sit back and watch the United States of the Dollar implode.
Fuck the DMCA. Fuck TCPA. Fuck Hollywood.
I'm becoming a bitter young man thanks to them.
[ October 16, 2002: Message edited by: The Jimmy James / Bob ]