Author Topic: is it imaginable to use 2 monitors in linux?  (Read 666 times)


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is it imaginable to use 2 monitors in linux?
« on: 22 April 2004, 06:32 »
I have my toshiba te2100 with redhat 9 installed. I have a beautiful Dell Ultrasharp monitor 1800 fp next to my laptp, untouched coz I am unable to use it once I wiped m$ and installed linux.

any clues on how to install it?



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is it imaginable to use 2 monitors in linux?
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2004, 05:23 »
just a regular CRT monitor?

well... i assume your laptop has a video output of some sort. i guess just plug it in and maybe redhat will auto detect it?

i haven't tried this in linux yet, so i can't offer any useful assistence

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is it imaginable to use 2 monitors in linux?
« Reply #2 on: 23 April 2004, 07:35 »
It'd be useful to give some more details ya know. I hear that it's easy to do with Geforce cards, but ATI's are a bitch.

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