Author Topic: Mozilla Rendering prob.  (Read 1320 times)

Master of Reality

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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« on: 30 April 2002, 05:32 »
check out these screenshots of mozilla the first one ("mozilla@fuckmicrosoft") is a pic of my mozilla browser rendering fuckmicrosoft improperly. The 2nd shot is after i clicked refresh and it rendered properly again. This happens all the time to me at fuckmicrosoft, every time i go there i see little rendering problems, sometimes its normal, but then i refresh and something little will change almost every time. What is up with this? Its using Mozilla 1.0
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #1 on: 30 April 2002, 05:37 »
Im using 1.0 OS X and I have no problems. I would get random things every once in a while on mozilla 9.9, but not anymore.

File a bugreport with bugzilla or something


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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #2 on: 30 April 2002, 21:55 »
of course everyone just accepts it when internet exploder crashes and burns...

mozilla... can't beat the price!  and it is better tnan internet explorer! do have a workaround   :D
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #3 on: 30 April 2002, 12:03 »
I get the same glitch on occasion myself. I run Mozilla on Mandrake with KDE. I've never seen this happen on any other web sites. I don't really worry about it since clicking on the links still works properly. Perhaps it's His Gatesness' way of getting even?(!)  :D  

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Master of Reality

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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #4 on: 1 May 2002, 01:09 »
how do i check two HTML documents against eachother to see if there are any differences? I dont really want to have to go through by hand and check the HTML. I wanna see if the HTML changes when the problems occur (actually a guy a bugzilla asked me).

[ April 30, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #5 on: 1 May 2002, 01:41 »
well, i've had a cackload of problems with mozilla 1, i had to TRY to download it 4 times, then i had to install it twice (this is on MacOS9.1) and i still prefer opera 5, because mozilla crashes due to type 2 errors (memory) and the rendering as you say is a little random. It does its job better than some so called finished browsers though. I got mozilla 1 on the day it came out and they warned me that it would be full of bugs. That is what i expect from a test version!
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Master of Reality

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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #6 on: 1 May 2002, 01:43 »
Originally posted by Calum:
well, i've had a cackload of problems with mozilla 1, i had to TRY to download it 4 times, then i had to install it twice (this is on MacOS9.1) and i still prefer opera 5, because mozilla crashes due to type 2 errors (memory) and the rendering as you say is a little random. It does its job better than some so called finished browsers though. I got mozilla 1 on the day it came out and they warned me that it would be full of bugs. That is what i expect from a test version!

i figure, that i am helping them work out the few bugs that are in 1.0 by reporting them and figuring out what exactly is wrong.
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #7 on: 1 May 2002, 02:38 »
that's the idea!  :D  well re: html checking, here are the few links i dragged out from my brain...

here's the link for HTML VALIDATOR, it has a few useful looking things under the Tools menu. It runs in windows though.

here's the w3c page that allows you to submit a url, then they go and check out if the html is okay, and tell you about it. This is only any use if the page is already up on a server though.

here andhere are the links for the WDG HTML Validator for linux. haven't used it, not a clue how it goes. If it's good, let's hear about it though...

Last but not least here's the result of a search on Tucows about HTML validation services.....
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #8 on: 1 May 2002, 03:29 »
 how do i check two HTML documents against eachother to see if there are any differences? I dont really want to have to go through by hand and check the HTML. I wanna see if the HTML changes when the problems occur (actually a guy a bugzilla asked me).

Save each html file, and from a shell prompt:

diff doc1.html doc2.html

that should give you a list of all the differences between the two files.

I have noticed the same problem on both Mozilla/Win32 and Mozilla/KDE, but haven't really thought much of it...!


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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #9 on: 1 May 2002, 03:34 »
 Hell, I got alot of rendering errors with Mozilla. Lets not forget to mention that there are a bunch of sites that are incompatible with it.

This is only because a lot of developers only bother to test their sites on IE, since they think that's all anybody uses. Mozilla actually renders much more faithfully to agreed HTML standards.

As more people use browsers other than IE (and AOL should provide a fair influx of new Netscape/Mozilla users) developers will be forced to test on at least IE and Netscape in order not to alienate a large part of their intended audience.

[ April 30, 2002: Message edited by: IanC ]


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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #10 on: 1 May 2002, 04:03 »
I probably won't be of any help solving these things since Mozilla (v 9.8) never gives me any of these kinds of problems.  (Although it did in Red Hat Linux - it would garble the text occasionally) I only run Mozilla when Konqueror fails to render a page correctly anyway (which almost never happens)  Konqueror sometimes will render a page a little differently than Mozilla but this is rarely a problem.

PS Does version 1 of Mozilla support AA fonts in Linux?  Also, is there a way to have konqueror use Mozilla' rendering engine instead of its own (like Galeon does in Gnome)


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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #11 on: 1 May 2002, 05:04 »
i only use Konqueror3 for web browsing... but i went ahead and got mozilla just to test it for ya... and i cant get it to mess up at all... keeps loading things fine... though i perfer Konqueror3 so far...
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Master of Reality

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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #12 on: 1 May 2002, 08:57 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Hell, I got alot of rendering errors with Mozilla. Lets not forget to mention that there are a bunch of sites that are incompatible with it.

Give me IE anyday. ;P

you still have yet to show me a website that does not work with mozilla. You posted a yahoo site, that worked fine in Mozilla and claimed that it didnt work. Please show me a site incompatible with Mozilla (and not one where someone put code to block Mozilla)
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #13 on: 1 May 2002, 13:43 »
you know what pisses me off at the moment?

It is perfectly compatible with mozilla, netscape and also i expect internet explorer, BUT if you go to hotmail they have got, not code to block mozilla, but code to block opera!! if i want to access hotmail (and actually my girlfriend does), then i need to set opera to identify as mozilla. Once i do that, fine. this means opera CAN view hotmail, but the bastards won't allow you to do so. Of course this is not a problem for the rank and file since Opera STILL identifies as IE by default!

Another thing... (sorry! windows guff again, just had a total winmeltdown so i have only been using win for a few days trying to get it up and running again), I can't be arsed waiting for mozilla to download, so i installed netscape 4.08 and 4.78. Both are shit and fail to work after about ten minutes. I have used IEradicator to remove IE from my computer, and PurgeIE to clean up any remnant cookies et c, BUT in desperation i typed in a URL to the address bar of windows explorer (the shell in WinME, may not work in other versions) and lo and behold! Internet Explorer in all its infamy! EXPLORER.EXE contains all the code for internet explorer it seems! so why bother having IE at all? and most importantly i suppose i can't get rid of it now?
Anyway i downloaded lynx, opera 6, and OffByOne (another browser) using EXPLORER.EXE which i think is ludicrous.
Now that i have got mandrake it should only be a matter of time......... (so long as i can get my SiS 630 modem and video card working...)
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #14 on: 1 May 2002, 14:26 »
can you read? i used's FREE software to remove internet explorer, did you miss that bit?

THEN i used explorer.exe to view internet web pages from remote machines. All that stuff you told me i wasn't able to get was there, right down to the little internet explorer icon and the words 'Internet Explorer' in the toolbar. I might add i did it all while having a jpeg as my desktop wallpaper.

With regards to your IE4 comment, i may reiterate that i am using WinME, not that it makes any difference as it is just win98 3rd edition under the hood.

What i am saying is that everything you just said is total rubbish, and i know because i just did al that stuff. Not only that, i told you i did all that stuff BEFORE you posted that drivel, so why did you bother?

I suppose your next move will be to claim i couldn't possibly have uninstalled IE, well i DID!
Some of its directories still exist, like the Temporary Internet Files but they are empty (no, they don't contain any hidden files). So EXPLORER.EXE is doing all the work. ipso facto, it contains all the code for internet explorer. I would be happier if it didn't though.

Perhaps i can use the shell from win95 instead? Does anybody know if this is possible?
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