Author Topic: Mozilla Rendering prob.  (Read 1381 times)


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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #15 on: 1 May 2002, 14:58 »
hmmm, well, i can't really due to not having 95, and since even 98SE has problems with half the hardware in my laptop, i'm not in a hurry to get 95 either.
BUT, i had a look around in my new non IE system, and it certainly LOOKS like IE has gone, as i say, i used the IEradicator program from 98lite, which enables you to get rid of IE on the fly without reinstalling. The readme that comes with it says 99% of IE code is removed, leaving the other 1% for apps such as outlook.
Now since i did not install outlook express or MSN when i reinstalled WinME, it is unlikely that much of the code for them was ever present in the first place. The next thing i did was used PurgeIE to get rid of any remnants from IE's short life on my system. I think 2 cookies were removed and some temp files.
Finally, i installed a small .inf file, again available from 98lite, which fixes a problem that sometimes occurs meaning you cannot view hotmail in netscape once IE is gone. the fix worked fine.
The thing is that i have done this a few times before, but this time Opera 5 would not work! and Netscape was fractionally crapper than usual. Oddly Opera had never done this before, and when i got Opera 6, it worked like a dream (MUCH better than IE will ever be i suspect).
So as i say, i am not into deleting files that need to be there, so i did not rampage through my system willy nilly deleting stuff that looked suspicious, but i did have a thorough look around after i did all that and could not see a trace ofIE anywhere. Maybe i missed something though...

Advice for anybody considering doing all this IE uninstalling (i do every reinstall of windows, i can't stand that bloated useless IE thing), my advice is, install all yr other utilities (acrord32, winzip et c) and definitely at least netscape or mozilla (if you are installing them at all (hint - get Opera 6.01!)) BEFORE you apply all the 98lite stuff. 98lite is a bit unstable for WinME. not sure about other versions of win*, except it doesn't work at all on win2000.
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #16 on: 1 May 2002, 21:00 »
i'm too lazy to remove IE from my stand-alone windows machine, and i dont think i will remove it once i get it connected to the internet, i will proabaly just block IE from going onto the internet and use Mozilla. If i did that, i would sitll have all the built-in windows features taht IE adds to that Zombie was talking about.
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Mozilla Rendering prob.
« Reply #17 on: 2 May 2002, 02:05 »
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Linux User #283518
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