Author Topic: disk full up!!! why???  (Read 1364 times)


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disk full up!!! why???
« Reply #30 on: 13 November 2002, 11:22 »
a few random shots in the dark....

in slackware, the startup script (rc.S) deletes "/etc/mtab" since any info there is bound to be out of date.  I'm not sure if the other distros do it, or what the Sys V startup script is; check your inittab.  hence, no mount info is carried across reboots.  (well, almost, but that is an entirely different story.)

the up to date mount table is "/proc/mounts", but i don't know how that will help you.  Anyway, since it is kernel space, it will be more up to date than "/etc/mtab".

the man page for mount states that a corrupt file system might crash the system....

how are your cpu temps?  I only ask this because you said that is begining to happen more sporradically, not just when doing disk io.  I know nothing of laptop internals, but you might want to oil the fans and check the heat sinks just in case....

enough of my ignorant ramblings.

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