This method was cooked up by myself and MidniteCandidate. This is for anybody who has the DVD version of FC2, is doing an upgrade over a previous version of Linux, and doesn't want to bother burning the boot CD.
This howto works from the following assumptions: that you're unable to boot from DVD for some reason or another; You are already running a Red Hat system. I did this with RH9 (Shrike).
First, insert your Fedora Core 2 DVD media and mount it, then as root...
mkdir /mnt/virtcd
Now, cd to /mnt/cdrom/images. ls and you should see "boot.iso".
mount -t iso9660 -o loop ./boot.iso /mnt/virtcd
cd /mnt/virtcd/isolinux
ls and you will see vmlinuz and initrd.img. Copy both of these to your /boot directory.
Now, add the following lines to your /etc/grub.conf file...
title Fedora Install
root (0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=16550
initrd /boot/initrd.img
Make sure to match the value of root to whatever is listed in your current working entry for Linux... if for example yours is
root (0,6)
Make sure that the root value for the "Fedora Install" is also
root (0,6)
Once this is done, reboot, but LEAVE THE FEDORA CORE 2 DVD OUT OF YOUR DRIVE! Select "Fedora Install" from Grub, and it should boot into a menu asking you to select your language and keyboard layout. When it reaches the menu asking for install method, select "Local CDROM" and now insert your FC2 DVD. It should find it and ask to do a media check. Best to let it do the check. Once that's complete, it will start anaconda from the DVD and that's that. You can now use any installation method you please. You may even format or repartition.