Now this is troublesome!!!!
I just got home, a pile of printouts under my arm, ready to begin battle with my Red Hat installation ...
Those among you who read yesterday's thread know what I'm talking about.
I can't remember if I deleted eth0 before going to bed so I decide to check.
WOAH, it says eth0 is active, I check to see if I didn't delete eth1 by mistake (the Nic with the static IP for my lan), nope, it's definitely THE eth0 with the "cannot get DHCP info" kinda attitude.
So I fire up Mozilla, enter the url for this forum and BAM, I'm here.
Now, what's troublesome is that yesterday night, well this morning in fact, I couldn't get it to work and I swear that I didn't change a thing since.
So basically I killed a tree (or at least part of it) for nothing!
But it works, I'm happy fellows!!!!
Now I just gotta install Quake3, Quake2 and VMWare
and I'm set.