All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Microsoft Introduces IM Licensing

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one of my cousins is using Yahoo messenger for windows, and hey look what I found to my surprise

a Yahoo endorced, supported, and produced IM client for Linux/Unix

web page


quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
one of my cousins is using Yahoo messenger for windows, and hey look what I found to my surprise

a Yahoo endorced, supported, and produced IM client for Linux/Unix

web page
--- End quote ---

and it actually works too!

sorry about the double post I thought I hit the edit button  :(        :(

[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: suselinux ]

Whats the code for that penguin its cool

The problem is, it hasn't been updated for some time.

There is a slightly newer version of Linux Yahoo messenger out there somewhere that also includes file transfer support.

AOL Instant Messenger for Linux is, however, updated regularly.


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