Author Topic: MS more inovative than Linux (yeah right)  (Read 1219 times)


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MS more inovative than Linux (yeah right)
« on: 27 April 2003, 22:04 »
Here is some fun reading.
How this guy make this stuff up.


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MS more inovative than Linux (yeah right)
« Reply #1 on: 27 April 2003, 22:31 »
Microsoft "innovation" is just some buzzword make up by their lawyers during the antitrust suit.  It doesn't *mean* anything.  Name one thing Microsoft has innovated.  Just one.

Hard, isn't it?


 Linux itself is a clone of an operating system that is 20-plus years old. That's what it is. That is what you can get today, a clone of a 20-year-old system. I'm not saying that it doesn't have some place for some customers, but that is not an innovative proposition.

I love interviews with Ballmer. Does he realize that Windows 1.0 was released in 1983?

Besides, it seems all Microsoft has "innovated" with its Windows OS is an intense susceptibility to viruses and a lousy command prompt ripped from DOS which itself is a ripoff of QDOS.


If you want a fix now, we may need to perform better, but you know where to go. There is nobody to turn to if you as a (Linux) customer says, 'I need this.' You can't turn to IBM. They don't write the thing. It's not like IBM can support Linux the way they support the mainframe operating system. They don't write the code for it. All they can say is, 'You can call us and ask us a question, but if you actually want something done we can't do it.'

I wonder if Ballmer uses some of his wealth to buy crack?  I won't even comment on this retardation.