Flap - That is most certainly what the article is showing, that prorietary code loses out to OSS. It is a blueprint for things to come. As people realise Linux will do what they want, it will eat into all the proprietary formats.
I know it would not apply retroactively, however improvements would not be available to non GPL'd code, if they released it under GPL.
I know this is not likely to happen, and you can't moan at a guy for wishing certain things can happen. Until it does I'll use Linux and be happy with it, after all it does what I want and need far better than any other OS I have ever used. Which is why it is conquering the world AND DESTROYING ALL THAT STANDS IN ITS WAY - BEWARE THE MIGHT OF LINUX FOR ALL SHALL COME UNDER ITS LICENSE AGREEMENT. Yes...well...time for some dried frog pills.
[ January 24, 2003: Message edited by: Linux Frank ]