Author Topic: Linux and me  (Read 769 times)


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Linux and me
« Reply #15 on: 3 September 2002, 04:59 »
Why do you want to try Linux? Are you really fed up with Windows?

Do you have any reason to leave the simplicity of installing Windows programs?
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Linux and me
« Reply #16 on: 3 September 2002, 05:02 »
Originally posted by Calum:
[QB]hey btw, what do you mean good emulator programs? i have several of those but cannot install any of them due to dependencies...[QB]

Just out of interest, what kind of dependecy problems do you have, or what RPMs are you missing? I've never had any dependency issues in Mandrake or Red Hat that I can remember that couldn't be resolved with what's on the distro CDs.
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Linux and me
« Reply #17 on: 3 September 2002, 06:03 »
Hmmm 90% sounds pretty fucking good. How does Wine run DOS stuff that windows 95 would normally run in a  DOS box? If WineX worked good enough(or I learnt how to configure it and Linux), I would say f0ck it, and not bother to install W95 or W98(had to remove it to format my 8 gig)

What about Win4Lin...

Ok, so what is the point of compiling your own emulator instead of having a pre-made install exe? What good is being able to configure it for your system when you can barely make a hello world program, and you don't know shit about Linux so you don't have anything TO optimize it for? Unless compiling it on your own system gives a magic performance boost automatically. Seems illogical, but if it was true... that would rock.  :D
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