Author Topic: something other than made for newbies  (Read 750 times)


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something other than made for newbies
« on: 17 December 2002, 06:23 »
im looking for a distro that doesnt try to imitate windows or make everything so easy you'll wet your self...currently im using redhat8 as nice as it runs i cant stand looking at it anymore...annoying..ive been using linux now for about 4 or more years (im still not an expert but defiently a beginer) and tried a shit load of distros
so im wondering if anyone could recomend one that isnt a bitch to install (gentoo) and uses the default everything for both gnome and kde...any ideas



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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #1 on: 17 December 2002, 10:10 »
You don't have to ditch Red. Why not just change the current theme to something else? There are also other desktops: KDE, GNOME, IceWM, Blackbox, etc. Or change themes on your current desktop. It doesn't take much to make it look however you want.
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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #2 on: 17 December 2002, 11:14 »
I'd say get Slackware. The installation is no big deal. I've installed it and all i've ever used is Mandrake and Red Hat.
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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #3 on: 17 December 2002, 14:25 »
but does slackware lock you out of using rpms? or can you just install rpm on a slackware system?
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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #4 on: 17 December 2002, 14:41 »
Originally posted by Interscope:
I'd say get Slackware. The installation is no big deal. I've installed it and all i've ever used is Mandrake and Red Hat.

Im going to back you up and say that slackware is a great distro. Its a lot faster than mandrake, but it still has the linux 'feel'. The install is text based, and the hardest part which really isnt a big deal to someone who already uses linux, is setting up partitions.

Now if you really want to get away from that safe linux feeling, step into something different and try FreeBSD.
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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #5 on: 17 December 2002, 17:30 »
Originally posted by Calum:
but does slackware lock you out of using rpms? or can you just install rpm on a slackware system?
why would you want to install rpms when you have the great slackware package management system. I have found the slackware packages to be a lot faster than rpms when installing them for soem reason. However if you really wanted to you still can install RPMs on slackware, but it doesnt work for some rpms.
 Its sounds like your against slackware because they might lock you into tgz package, but your not againt redhat because it locks you into those damn rpm packages.
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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #6 on: 17 December 2002, 17:42 »
bullSHIT mister handman!

i am after a distro that will install stuff from a package if it will run. i also want one that will run the stuff people release. If some stuff is released as only red hat rpms (and some is) or red hat/mandrake/suse rpms then how will i install these in slackware?

many programs are available as source and these can be installed on red hat or slackware, and if both systems can have both rpm and package manager installed then what's the problem? presumably i can install the slackware package manager in red hat?
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something other than made for newbies
« Reply #7 on: 18 December 2002, 02:47 »
jtpenrod im trying now installing redhat and just taking out the redhat-artwork and redhat-menu packages (i tried it before and just installed gnome but had no menus or anything)and im just going to install kde from ftp and see what happens
