Author Topic: Attention RedHat Users  (Read 911 times)


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Attention RedHat Users
« Reply #15 on: 24 November 2002, 20:54 »
which multimedia apps aren't usually available?
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Attention RedHat Users
« Reply #16 on: 24 November 2002, 22:27 »
Originally posted by Tux:
what I did in redhat was copy all my *.ttf's to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF and then restart xfs with

/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart

and then I restarted X and had my fonts. Just an alternate method....

You didn't have to run the "mkfontscale" and "mkfontdir" commands in those directories after adding the new fonts? Maybe that's not required on the truetype fonts, and/or maybe that's why they aren't showing up in KDE for you.
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Attention RedHat Users
« Reply #17 on: 24 November 2002, 22:32 »
Originally posted by flap:
which multimedia apps aren't usually available?

That's a strange question since there are thousands of multimedia apps. The only one that you could probably consider "missing" is mpg123 which gives you MP3 support. They didn't include it because at the time RedHat 8.0 was released there was a patent issue with MP3 licenses. They couldn't very well include it. No problem though it takes about 30 seconds to download/install it.

One that isn't missing because it has never been included with RedHat is "MPlayer". It is one that I hope they include in the next release because it has quickly become the best media player available (on any platform if you ask me). This is also very easy to add after the fact using "apt" installer.
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Attention RedHat Users
« Reply #18 on: 25 November 2002, 01:10 »
It was my ujnderstanding that RH came with no sort of Multimedia capabilites, my bad.  I have now been corrected.