I have many questions here, they are bog standard and boring, but i need a little intellectual nudging here...
okay, that's how my fstab looked once i had sorted it out from the thing it had done on it's default install. The idea is to get my /mnt/windows, /mnt/winsystem, /mnt/files and /mnt/floppy to mount with permissions of 777. Also, i think i want the /mnt/cdrom to mount with permissions of 707 (don't i?).
Also, i would like to get the system to automount the /mnt/floppy and /mnt/cdrom so i don't need to mount and umount them all the time. Luckily mandrake comes with a tool to do this, called supermount. here's the available options for supermount:
And those spelling mistakes are as written by the way, i didn't mistype them.
Now, i ran supermount like this:
I only realised after that "supermount -i enable" would have done exactly the same thing, since supermount outputs to standard out if you don't specify any options.
Right, now after that escapade, my fstab looks like this:
Now the problem with this is that firstly it's now full of stuff that i don't understand, because it's not in "man mount" and secondly, it doesn't work! when i mount /mnt/floppy, it returns no errors, but does not mount the floppy drive, i suspect that when i cd /mnt/floppy, i actually get taken to the empty dir /mnt/floppy itself. Same with /mnt/cdrom.
So, i reverted to the fstab i had before, at the top there, even though i'm still a little shaky on the permissions (/mnt/windows still tells me i don't have permission to delete files and so on, anybody know why from looking at the fstab?)
Finally, and on a nearly related note, i have several double density disks. Some of them are mac formatted too, which i still haven't got to work using linux, but anyway, when i try to mount the DD disks i get:
is this due to the size of the disk blocks, the size of the disk itself, or the fact that it's mac formatted? any ideas? and how should i fix this in the fstab so it works for those types of floppy?
Thanks a lot to anybody who replies. i know i should have got this fstab thing sorted in my mind by now, but it's driving me nuts.