Author Topic: how to install a program?  (Read 1526 times)


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how to install a program?
« Reply #15 on: 10 August 2003, 04:03 »
For RedHat you can install packages several ways.

For each of these

su -
<enter root pwd>
cd /to/wherever/the/files/are
(you can hit TAB to complete the pathname as you go or double-TAB for a list of possibles, e.g. typing cd /home/unfo then hitting TAB would complete the /home/unforgiven for you)

1) Ready-made RPM, choose one *built for your version of RedHat*, and either double-click the RPM file from the desktop or

rpm -ivh mynewapp.rpm
(= install, verbose, and show progress bar)

If you need other dependencies and download them as rpms you can install them all on the same line so you don't have to worry about which order to install them in e.g.

rpm -ivh mainapp.rpm somelibrary.rpm anotherone.rpm somethingelse.rpm

2) Source RPMs which are source code packaged up to build INTO an RPM package for your system. The benefit here is that seeing as it is built on YOUR system it should work.

rpmbuild --rebuild newapp.src.rpm

and NOTE where the RPM file is put!    Install as above from there.

3) Get source code and compile up. Will usually come as a .tar, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz file or something like this. Tar, gzip and bzip2 are often used to compress files and together, so a file may be a tar file which is THEN zipped too.

To uncompress use

bunzip2 filename.tar.bz2


gunzip filename.tar.gz


tar -xvf filename.tar (x-tract, verbose, file).
Note if your version supports it (usually does), tar can pass thru gzip or bzip2 files automatically like this:

tar -xvzf filename.tar.gz      (gzip)
tar -xvjf filename.tar.bz2     (bzip2)

If you prefer GUI stuff use Ark which is available from the menus for unarchiving (if you double-click an archive file this is what runs).

When the tar file is extracted you will usually have a new directory to cd into. Look in there and there will usually be a configure file or MAYBE something like an file. The usual process is

cd install_dir
make install

the ./ part is because the shell looks for commands in the "command path" and nowhere else. You are in a directory that is NOT part of the command path so if you type a command from in there (e.g. configure) the shell will not "see it" automatically. A single "." in linux means "the current directory" so you are saying "run configure, which is in the current directory". You do not need this for "make", because the make command itself is stored somewhere that is already included in the command search path.

If there is something like try


or something like install.bin do


however for source code it is usually done with configure and make as above.

Whatever, there should be a README file, so

cat README | more

will print this to the screen, hit space for more pages, this will tell you how to install.

Once whatever method is done, go back to normal user with exit, type the command name and see if it runs ok.

You can type

command_name &

to run in the background too to carry on typing in the shell.

If it runs ok you can add it to your menus, use the menu editor, add it as a new item, choose an icon for it, in the command field just enter the command that runs it, Apply and it is ready on your menu (now you can add it to your "task bar" equivalent as a button or whatever).

If you prefer pre-built RPMs to source "tarballs" (.tar.gz files etc.) you will find many kind souls build these up for different distros. Have a look on the net at places like FreshRPMs or use RPMfind I'm sure there are others too.

Hope this helps.
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how to install a program?
« Reply #16 on: 10 August 2003, 15:10 »
Originally posted by Unforgiven1:
it seems like as soon as I ask a question I figure it out by myself.

Limewire is .bin
here's how I did it.

root pw
cd home/unforgiven/
sh /LimeWireLinux.bin
it ran and then informed me I needed a Java Virtual Machine.  where the hell do I get one of those?

If you ever need something like that do two things

go to
and type in what you need really useful when your installing an RPM and it says you need glibc or something

also go to google
and you can find what you need

you forgot the . between www and google, fixed it for you

[ August 10, 2003: Message edited by: Stryker ]


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how to install a program?
« Reply #17 on: 11 August 2003, 00:24 »
heh, it seems that many people have already given you enough information for what you are asking for, but if you want to install apt-get, a debain based network for downloading/updating programs, tell me and i'll tell ya where you can get it.

there is also gui for apt-get, Synaptic. i think that's how it's spelled

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how to install a program?
« Reply #18 on: 11 August 2003, 03:10 »
that sounds good siplus.

the thing i'm struggling with hardest of all is making a java virtual machine work.  I can't seem to get it to install so mozilla will use java apps that are on some of the web pages I visit.
[edit] more specifically the one needed to enter yahoo chat.

[ August 10, 2003: Message edited by: Unforgiven1 ]

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how to install a program?
« Reply #19 on: 11 August 2003, 04:25 »
Originally posted by Unforgiven1:
that sounds good siplus.

the thing i'm struggling with hardest of all is making a java virtual machine work.  I can't seem to get it to install so mozilla will use java apps that are on some of the web pages I visit.
[edit] more specifically the one needed to enter yahoo chat.

[ August 10, 2003: Message edited by: Unforgiven1 ]

try manually placing A "link to application"

right click
---creat link to aplication

in the /home/unforgiven/mozilla/plugins

in the address field put the address to your JAVA thingy

or copy the entire thing here

or are you sure you don't just need the plugin, cuz that's different than the virtual machine.

you know what I did for the plugin I just went to a webpage that called for it like the yahoo thing

but I went as root, then when the browser asked me if I wanted to install the plugin it was all done for me

just make sure that you have allowed installing over the net in your mozilla prefrences

-----software instalation


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how to install a program?
« Reply #20 on: 11 August 2003, 05:36 »
I am suprised no one mentioned the MES FAQ!


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how to install a program?
« Reply #21 on: 11 August 2003, 06:31 »
Oh, look at that... I guess that could be because it's a little hard to find... I don't see any link to it on the MES website (Although that might just be because I'm bad at finding things. Is there one?)


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how to install a program?
« Reply #22 on: 11 August 2003, 06:46 »
Wow... someone asks how to install something and there are a total of 21 replies.  Now cut it down to 1/3 of that because 2/3 of the posts are crap.  So you have 7 posts on how to install something.  Just sit back and think about that for a second.  7 replies on how to install software.


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how to install a program?
« Reply #23 on: 11 August 2003, 07:16 »
Well, jeffberg, I can see which "post category" you're adding to   ;)  

Personally, I think it's a good thing there's so much response! More information is never a bad thing. Besides, in some forums the question would probably just get "RTFM!!!!" as the response... I consider this better than that  


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how to install a program?
« Reply #24 on: 12 August 2003, 02:49 »
for the apt-get / synaptic, voidmain has a great tutorial on his site:

(i just noticed that he updated it for redhat9, i used to only be for rh8, and that was why i didn't link it right away)

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
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-- void main (old school MES member)

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how to install a program?
« Reply #25 on: 12 August 2003, 12:32 »

You might be having trouble getting the Java VM to run because you haven't edited your $PATH variable in /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc. If you have done this, and you've READ instructions that you've received via Google (or wherever), you might be a little confused with Red Hat's pathmunge() function.

Either way, I have explained what you need to do here:

If you need more help, just ask  


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how to install a program?
« Reply #26 on: 12 August 2003, 21:59 »
And people say that Linux is harder then Wondows.. the idiots.


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how to install a program?
« Reply #27 on: 12 August 2003, 22:51 »
it is not that hard to install software. most of the time. there are always the instances where you have to deal with dependencies and wierd installs like the java virtual machine. i never did get limewire to work on my linux box. so i opted for a different p2p. i do hope they fix this pesky installation nightmare. mac osX did a good job, the software is self contained, and its easy to install & uninstall. i do hope that some code monkeys out there start adopting this method over an rpm or whatever. good luck with the virtual machine  


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how to install a program?
« Reply #28 on: 13 August 2003, 00:43 »
Originally posted by Fett101:
And people say that Linux is harder then Wondows.. the idiots.

Like ecsyle said, there are a few instances that you have to do some minor tweaking to get things running.  The Java VM happens to be one of these things that you need to fiddle with. Since Linux is a *true* multiuser OS, certain programs, like the VM, need to be specified as for use by the local user, or use by the entire system. That is why you have to edit the PATH variable. On M$ systems, there is only one PATH variable, and it is system-wide.  There are no user defined PATHS, and there is no PATH for a superuser (because on M$ there is no superuser.) Then, you get into permissions, on which there are none on Window$ systems (none that are worth a fuck, anyways.) If he installed the VM into /usr/local/java, and /usr/local/java was not in his normal users' PATH, bash would have no way of interpeting what the command `java -jar runlime.jar` means.  If it was in his normal users' PATH, and they get a "permission denied" error, he most likely installed it to a location that the user does not have execute permissions.  Of course, since Linux is highly customizable, and most people that know what they are doing tweak certain permissions on certain directories, (for security reasons, and depending on what the main purpose of your machine is) there is no adequate way to make an "auto installer" like there is on window$. A "standard" location on one person's machine, using one distro, might be perfect, and will allow the user to execute everything flawlessly, while that same "standard" directory on another computer might have modified permissions, or the distro that he/she is using might have a unique set of permissions for the "standard" directory by default that do not allow a user execute permissions. Hence, the most logical method is to allow root to install the VM to a location that he/she knows is chmod'ed 777, and then set the PATH for all users to included that chmod'ed 777 directory. That is why there isn't a quaint, pretty, little "auto-installer" like there is on Window$. Unlike Window$, you can modify Linux to do whatever you want it to do for you without getting sued, and most Linux users, once they gain a little experience and confidence, do exactly that.


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how to install a program?
« Reply #29 on: 13 August 2003, 01:00 »
Don't lie. Windows has paths. You can modify them, easily. And there's a superuser, too. "Administrator".

Bash Microsoft and Windows as much as you want, but bash them for the right reasons. (Get it? "Bash"? HA HA!)