Author Topic: how to install a program?  (Read 1524 times)


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how to install a program?
« Reply #30 on: 13 August 2003, 01:02 »
Originally posted by Copperhead:

Like ecsyle said, there are a few instances that you have to do some minor tweaking to get things running.  The Java VM happens to be one of these things that you need to fiddle with. Since Linux is a *true* multiuser OS, certain programs, like the VM, need to be specified as for use by the local user, or use by the entire system. That is why you have to edit the PATH variable. On M$ systems, there is only one PATH variable, and it is system-wide.  There are no user defined PATHS, and there is no PATH for a superuser (because on M$ there is no superuser.) Then, you get into permissions, on which there are none on Window$ systems (none that are worth a fuck, anyways.) If he installed the VM into /usr/local/java, and /usr/local/java was not in his normal users' PATH, bash would have no way of interpeting what the command `java -jar runlime.jar` means.  If it was in his normal users' PATH, and they get a "permission denied" error, he most likely installed it to a location that the user does not have execute permissions.  Of course, since Linux is highly customizable, and most people that know what they are doing tweak certain permissions on certain directories, (for security reasons, and depending on what the main purpose of your machine is) there is no adequate way to make an "auto installer" like there is on window$. A "standard" location on one person's machine, using one distro, might be perfect, and will allow the user to execute everything flawlessly, while that same "standard" directory on another computer might have modified permissions, or the distro that he/she is using might have a unique set of permissions for the "standard" directory by default that do not allow a user execute permissions. Hence, the most logical method is to allow root to install the VM to a location that he/she knows is chmod'ed 777, and then set the PATH for all users to included that chmod'ed 777 directory. That is why there isn't a quaint, pretty, little "auto-installer" like there is on Window$. Unlike Window$, you can modify Linux to do whatever you want it to do for you without getting sued, and most Linux users, once they gain a little experience and confidence, do exactly that.

wow. thanks. that actually helped a whole shitload. No one else has been able to help me with the PATH problem when trying to get java virtual machine to work when installing lime wire. now it makes sense. i just didn't understand it before. but, since i no longer have an internet connection at home, installing lime wire & java becomes rather pointless...


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how to install a program?
« Reply #31 on: 13 August 2003, 01:20 »
Originally posted by TheQuirk:
Don't lie. Windows has paths. You can modify them, easily. And there's a superuser, too. "Administrator".

I never said that Window$ doesn't have PATHs. Please point out where I said that they don't have PATHs, and where I said that you cannot modify them.

As for the superuser, you are making referrence in your post to win2K.  I was referring to the M$ Flagship OS win 9x/ME.

I don't need to "lie" to make M$ look bad and bash them. They do an adequate job on that by just making products. Hell, I don't even like to talk about them. But, you can talk about them all you want.  As you can probably tell, I really don't enjoy the topic  

[ August 12, 2003: Message edited by: Copperhead ]


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how to install a program?
« Reply #32 on: 13 August 2003, 01:57 »
Originally posted by Copperhead:

I never said that Window$ doesn't have PATHs. Please point out where I said that they don't have PATHs, and where I said that you cannot modify them.

As for the superuser, you are making referrence in your post to win2K.  I was referring to the M$ Flagship OS win 9x/ME.

I don't need to "lie" to make M$ look bad and bash them. They do an adequate job on that by just making products. Hell, I don't even like to talk about them. But, you can talk about them all you want.  As you can probably tell, I really don't enjoy the topic      

[ August 12, 2003: Message edited by: Copperhead ]

Arr. Actually, their flagship product is Windows XP. As such, "On M$ systems, there is only one PATH variable, and it is system-wide." is not true, because you can add different paths for specific users, just like you can with *nix.


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how to install a program?
« Reply #33 on: 13 August 2003, 03:15 »
Originally posted by TheQuirk:
And there's a superuser, too. "Administrator".

...and his name is Bill.
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