Author Topic: Worlds Most Ignorant IT person  (Read 1284 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 11 June 2002, 19:27 »
Whiterabbit? Are you the same Whiterabbit from the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 community?


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« Reply #16 on: 12 June 2002, 03:39 »
Originally posted by idiot:
don't believe in C programming because contrary to popular belief, VB can go just as low level as C and the newest VB compiler generates code that's every bit as fast.

Originally posted by whiterabbit:
Unless VB has been dramatically altered, from a programming 'language' to assist the feeble of mind, to a deep and meaningful way of building the interface and functionality that the programmer actually wants, then this mans writing must have been done with only one hand on the keyboard...


One only needs to look as far as the anacronym that BASIC is Beginner's  All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.  Since he exclusivily codes in it, that delegates him to the rank of beginner.  Also he neglects to tell us that BASIC can only be used for an M$ OS.  Java was obviousally designed to be used by all OS.  And I haven't heard of an OS that doesn't come with a C compiler.

Originally posted by CALUM:

If the author doesn't believe in C then why does he use gcc?

In his defence, which I know is a horrible thing to provide for him, I thought that c was the best language for any unix derivitives.  Correct me if  I'm wrong.  Does Linux have a BASIC language?  Even if it does, it's probally extreemly different than VB especially if he is using anything low level.

Originally posted by CALUM:

The people this is aimed at are already using windows, and the clear aim is to get them to continue to do so.

Why would he then, have posted the message in a usenet forum for mandrake?  Is there a possibility that a Windows user would even be browsing such a news source.  Not if they were using Outlook Xpress.  That is the worst news browser ever.  It makes it laborous to do something you should enjoy.  One must use agent, and the archaic style would set some XP users off. My guess was that post was actually intended to reach the more educated *nix audiance, even though most would outright reject the bias philosophies.

On that note, I actually have a freind that reverted back to M$ Win after transforming to Linux.  I forget his reasons, but I believe that was a basic lack of interest in learning something new, and the fact that his family wouldn't convert and he ran an MS network.  I'll have to ask him again about that.

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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« Reply #17 on: 12 June 2002, 12:42 »
And I haven't heard of an OS that doesn't come with a C compiler.
I'm assuming you're talking about *NIX OSs? When I was still using Win 95, I had to go and buy a C/C++ compiler for it. Nor did it have any other development goodies like those that come with Linux. Not too surprising considering that all M$ OSs are not only designed with the assumption that all users are total idiots; it's also designed to keep them st00pid.

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« Reply #18 on: 12 June 2002, 15:12 »
i agree,

re: above

good point about the "why's it on a mandrake news list" thing, i suppose as you say, it's aimed at new and overwhelmed linux users who might be daunted enough to change back if they were given a (albeit shit) reason, maybe mandrake is perceived as something likely to be used by a lot of newbies, and probably it is.

Also who said that thing about systems all coming with C compilers? windows doesn't come with a C compiler, i don't think win2000 even comes with a compiler. X11 told me about a free C compiler for windows i think, but it doesn't come with the system, and why would i ever need it, when i have c compilers on my linux side already?

as for BASIC, there's bound to be basic compilers for linux and i am certain that there will be for some other unix. It's not a Microsoft language anyway, VB is though, it's been warped way out of hand, unlike the microsoft html and microsoft javascript thing, with BASIC, nobody told microsoft to stop it. They just took it upon themselves to fuck up a perfectly mediocre and noncompetitive language all by themselves.
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