Author Topic: If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...  (Read 2292 times)


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #30 on: 14 August 2002, 21:38 »
thank you BadKarma; I was about to dissolve into a rant.  XP User posts crap 90% of the time, but i STRONGLY dissagree with the censorship bit.  If you want to censor content on the internet, x-11, sign up for the TCPA herd.

from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.



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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #31 on: 14 August 2002, 21:50 »
Then just exactly what *is* the purpose of a moderator if not to censor?  Seems odd they would include such a feature in the software.
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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #32 on: 14 August 2002, 21:58 »
The world hates Palladium:
Out of 620 Polled (All knew what Palladium is): 57% thinks that Palladium is "a Microsoft monopoly-extension attempt" While only 3% thought that Palladium is "a way to protect sensitive information & stop viruses".

Eat shit and die M$

BTW: XP Looser: Your nick makes no sense. You claim to be XP User #5,225,982,375. Nowhere near 5 trillion copies of XP will ever be sold. So fuck you, and your anti-MS BS. Would you pay for $1000 for an M$ OS? That's what would happen if M$ had no competition.


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #33 on: 14 August 2002, 10:04 »
Uh, that would be 5 billion.     But considering there was only claims of 7 million copies sold in November, I think that 5 billion is an overstatement to say the least.  Especially since there are only 6 billion people on this earth.

[ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #34 on: 14 August 2002, 10:35 »
A moderator should censor abusive content, not alternate opinions... It's no good blaming the programmer for making a product that could be used to censor an opinion.... Besides, that post did have something to say.  Not having the post at hand makes for a difficult argument; so i guess i'll just have to make it up as i go along.

If 85% of the costumers out there use windoze on the desktop, and microsoft breaks a standard needed for purchaes, do you expect the business to just ignore 85% of the market?  The best-of-both-worlds solution (having a windoz server front end for compatiblity and a *nix server for the real work) will fail when microsoft decides to become backward incompatible (again) with anything else but its next os.  All microsoft has to do is copyright it's next file system + encryption model, and make software that doesn't share files or data.  Any attempt at curcumvention will be prosecuted under the DMCA.

so; if Linux doesn't get it's desktop act together, microsoft will crush Linux on the server end....

but the good news is that micro$soft may have dropped the ball;
<--- snip ---->

"I heard from a lot of state, municipal and federal government agencies as well as schools," [Didio] said. "They were coming back to Microsoft and saying: 'Can you spell Linux? We can't afford your software.'"
<---- snip snip ---->

from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.



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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #35 on: 14 August 2002, 13:53 »
Such respect I have for this forum's diehard willingness to not censor! /claps
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #36 on: 15 August 2002, 07:46 »
uhm, i didn't read the article. i have a funny feeling it will be full of nonsense.

anyways, the XP User #insert-numbers-here needs to know that Linux itself will never die. Linux has many distro's, supported by many companies. also, the chance of Linux users going to Windows is pretty rare too. Mac, BeOS, and Linux users have one thing in common: they use the OS they have because they actually fucking like it.

if you visit CNET and look on the WindowsXP reviews, only 55% gave it a thumbs up (that was the last time i checked).

need i say more? Linux will NEVER die.


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #37 on: 15 August 2002, 11:49 »
yes i noticed that was a gag site.......was it actually owned by the taliban before though?

btw, some guy at anandtech posted the link to the website of Sadam (Iraqi leader). did anybody get that link? does anybody know it?

Master of Reality

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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #38 on: 15 August 2002, 21:54 »
and its fucking not that is running microsoft and is/was owned by the taliban!!!
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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #39 on: 15 August 2002, 21:55 »
Yes, it was a pro-taliban web site running on Windows.  If you would have looked at the site on or before 9/11/2001 you would have seen that taliban content.  It was shut down very soon after 9/11 and now is a spoof site.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #40 on: 15 August 2002, 22:37 »
damn i wish i could have seen it  :(


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #41 on: 15 August 2002, 23:46 »
Originally posted by Master of Reality / Bob:
and its fucking not that is running microsoft and is/was owned by the taliban!!!

You are correct! Memory cells are in bad shape, especially with a belly full of the devil's brew...
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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #42 on: 16 August 2002, 00:05 »
OK, let's look at it this way.

How long has it taken to crack 99% of Microshit's other products.  I am willing to bet that a normal x86 omputer could emulate a Pallium within a month or so of Pallium's release.
Using a Microsoft product and hating every moment of it is the first step to liberation.

Windows XP User?
Windows XP LOSER! Go fuck yourself!


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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #43 on: 17 August 2002, 04:34 »
no it can't.  do some reading.  (will the shameless promotions never cease???) ~ T C P A () ;
but put basically, the ecryption / decryption engine as well as the key will be part of the silicon on the cpu.  The only foreseeable hack would be to break the encryption it uses, and if they choose a sufficiently strong one (~256 byte key (PGP uses 1024)) it becomes infeasable to crack for everyday use.
you might get lucky.

from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.



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If Linux doesn't get its desktop act together...
« Reply #44 on: 17 August 2002, 04:57 »
ummmm, dude, come on, our first president grew dope for gods sake, and he a saying that siad grow the wonderful hemp plant. then when a major corperation is threated by the stuff, the governemnt banns marijauna, what makes you think that these same bastards won't ban freesoftware cuase ms is threatend. our government is beyond hope. what are the sallerys like in canada, and how much is housing, like apartments, or cheap homes.
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4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!