Author Topic: .wav player for Red Hat and Gnome?  (Read 1114 times)


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.wav player for Red Hat and Gnome?
« on: 29 September 2002, 20:53 »
Hi Again,

I've been making some progress with Linux; wrote some aliases in my .bashrc, reconfigured my desktop and a few other things.  But here I sit feeling as dumb as my ever.  I want to download and install some different .wav files for Gnome.  My question is what program do you run to preview them.  

I have three different cd palyers on this thing, but can't find the program, something similar to Windows Media Player, that will allow me to play .wav files.  Wav files do work as "sound events" on the computer, but I would like to make changes to the default sounds and that means being able to preview them.  Oh, if I just click on a .wav file in Midnight Commander, I create much unhappiness and a core file.

As always, all assistance is greatly appreciated.

The system is a P 166, 48 MB RAM, RH 6.2, Gnome desktop.

Registered Linux User 294493


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.wav player for Red Hat and Gnome?
« Reply #1 on: 29 September 2002, 21:44 »
Check for an RPM of XMMS; that'll do it.
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.wav player for Red Hat and Gnome?
« Reply #2 on: 29 September 2002, 22:28 »
A WAV player?
I'm running mandrake at home, and it as a nifty command-line app called 'play'.

You could check for it like this: open up a terminal and say 'man play'.
Or, like creedon said, get XMMS for the more user-friendly, and most important: equalizable WAV player!
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.wav player for Red Hat and Gnome?
« Reply #3 on: 30 September 2002, 01:37 »
Thanks All,

I got XMMS, and it looks and works great. I also checked out the command line "play" and it seems to work for some, but not all .wav files.  I tried it on one and it returned a "sorry this file is in MPEG layer 3 format" error message.  But it does work very well on others.

Thanks again for all your help!

Registered Linux User 294493