Author Topic: How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)  (Read 1754 times)


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I got lost, and I wound up Out there in BSD land
I'm speechless, this is so esoteric. These guys are like some kind of pagans. How many of these guys are out there?     :confused:    

For those of you from AR S Open forum, scroll DOWN!

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]
[edit - title apended by Calum]

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #1 on: 17 October 2002, 10:46 »
He does make a point with these though. Except #5, he doesn't back it.


1) The root partition should be small... painfully so.

2) /var is not for web servers or their content.

3) The kernel has one job: to keeping the system up, running and stable, not
to serve web content - I don't care if it's faster from the kernel.

4) Really understanding IP and the applications built upon it is a
requirement before you are "1337"

5) I don't care how fast something is, if it comes at the cost of
security or stability it's stupid.

6) *BSD is the way.  (Free, Open, or Net - pick one)

Someone here has the "Linux is not for dickheads" sig (Duh..above). There is a small but considerable Linux-Dickhead population. It would be nice if some of them fucked off.

I am going to try a BSD see how good it is.

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #2 on: 17 October 2002, 11:35 »
All I can say is "Wow"
the webmaster says.
  I guess that the creator (of the web page) was born with complete knowledge and understanding of BSD, and that (the webmaster) has never claimed to be
"l337", a "hax0r", or anything of the sort.

  Then goes on to explain the reasons behind (the webmaster)'s web page as being  
quote: use this site to poke fun at, possibly educate, and clean up the Linux user base.

  So in saying that (the webmaster) will
"poke fun at"

  Point out (the webmaster) precieved flaws of others to inflate (the webmaster) own ego  
possibly educate

  Obviously seeing in (the webmaster) own mind that (the webmaster) is the complete authority in all things Linux and BSD, and that (the webmaster) alone <or with other so called enlightened people> can educate others in the "pinhead" ways of thinking.
and clean up the Linux user base.

  Thinking that (the webmaster) is powerful enough to, well, "clean up" all of the users of linux.

 Pinhead thinking? Hmmmmm

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: tr_one ]

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: tr_one ]


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #3 on: 17 October 2002, 12:26 »
Now you may say, "Well this is to be expected... Hell, look at the
Windows user base."  Yes that's true, but the Windows user base
doesn't claim to be "l337", a "hax0r", or anything of the sort.  
Linux users do and often.

YES! YES! Linux is the badge of l33tness! That's probably one of the funnest things about it. Why the hell do you think Linux users call themselves l33t, it's not as easy to learn as windows, and it's users are powerful and truly elite, one step(way more then one) above the rest of the mass market windoids. How could you not be proud of that?

ROFL! Look at the buddy icons!

Hey this is cool!

Summary: funny but retarted. Notice how the site can't seem to offer up any REAL reasons for BSD vs Linux. Which just goes to show you how Linux is every bit as good as BSD. Now I don't know shit about either, but it's just plain logic.  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #4 on: 17 October 2002, 13:12 »
I saw this site quite some time ago, and I agree with it to a point, however it seems to me that this BSD user is unwilling to accept the changes that have become standard practices for some linux users. Im all for small root partitions, and seperate partitions for your webserver, however these things can easily be accomplished in linux, just like in BSD, so what would the advantage be of using freebsd over linux. Be smart and either set up can be secure and stable. I cant trash talk BSD, I love it as much as I love linux
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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #5 on: 17 October 2002, 21:06 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
YES! YES! Linux is the badge of l33tness! That's probably one of the funnest things about it. Why the hell do you think Linux users call themselves l33t, it's not as easy to learn as windows, and it's users are powerful and truly elite, one step(way more then one) above the rest of the mass market windoids. How could you not be proud of that?

First of all, very rarely have I ever heard anyone that uses Linux call *themselves* "l33t" or "hax0r". If someone does then they are obviously childish (probably 12 years old or under) and probably are actually Windows users who have maybe tried to use Linux for a day. I see more Windows users use that word to refer to Linux users for reasons I still do not understand.

Like I have said many times, I have used Linux very heavily from nearly the beginning of it's life. I have not once called myself l33t. I defy you to find a post that I have authored where I referred to myself with that word or anything close to it. I feel that I know more about Linux than most people, yet I certainly do not claim to "know all" or "be l33t" because that would be just plain idiotic and wrong.

In UNIX and in Linux, the more you learn the more you realize that you don't know. Usually people who start using UNIX and/or Linux incorrectly think they know most of what there is to know at their first major breakthrough where they begin to see the light. Those thoughts quickly come crashing down when someone else shows them a better/easier way to do something than they have been doing it. UNIX is a very humbling OS, especially the more you learn about it. Anyone who refers to themselves as a "l33t" Linux user are likely 12 years old and have learned that they can do a directory listing by typing "ls".

As far as the BSD vs Linux bashing. They are just as idiotic and a waste of time. Use what works, and does the job for you. I use both in different situations. I also use Solaris/AIX/HPUX when I need big iron.
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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #6 on: 17 October 2002, 23:38 »
How far out there can you get? How's this?


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #7 on: 18 October 2002, 03:39 »
i used to have a history teacher who was a member of that society. good job he wasn't a geography teacher...

as for what voidmain said, i have this to say in reply:

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

visit these websites and make yourself happy forever:
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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #8 on: 18 October 2002, 04:38 »
I have to say BOO!  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality

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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #9 on: 18 October 2002, 04:41 »
my reason for using BSD:

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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #10 on: 18 October 2002, 04:48 »
I would say that is a valid reason. This is why I prefer Linux:

[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #11 on: 18 October 2002, 04:57 »
Linux gets it's revenge!

YES! I coulden't agree more. Errr that doesn't count as pr0n, so please don't delete.  ;)

Wow, Linux sure attracts some neat chicks! Although that devil chick is still a great reason to use BSD(M?).
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #12 on: 18 October 2002, 05:00 »
Hey baby... I'd sure like to mount your filesystem on my root partition!
(Yes, I found that in a search engine, I am not clever enough to think that up myself!)
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #13 on: 18 October 2002, 05:01 »
LOL! You posted at the sametime I posted!
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality

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How fucking "out there" can you get? (stupidly large images)
« Reply #14 on: 18 October 2002, 05:05 »
are you talking to your self?

I remember seeing a website that just had Linux Chix like that. Cant remember the URL though.
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