Author Topic: PCWorld article "Linux vs Windows:The rematch"  (Read 568 times)


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PCWorld article "Linux vs Windows:The rematch"
« on: 10 December 2002, 17:23 »
I came across this article, and I thought it was pretty good. It is very recent, and likely comes from a pro windows place. Is this article good, or far heavily biased?

Linux rematch
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PCWorld article "Linux vs Windows:The rematch"
« Reply #1 on: 10 December 2002, 18:10 »
doesn't say much, but what it does say is okay. it does miss a lot out though.

it's easy for windoids to focus on the tiny things that they lose from not having windows, but they routinely ignore the huge benefits and enormous number of extra things they didn't have before that they get from changing to linux.

Also that article fails totally to mention that you can have windows AND linux for NO EXTRA MONEY. While the article is okay as far as it goes, it's pretty good at missing out important information. If a reviewer is used to looking for the 'good bits' in windows, how will the know where to find the many good bits in linux?

also i take issue with some of the following:  
But Linux still poses a number of challenges to new users. Linux drivers are hard to find for some hardware. Unfamiliar file systems, incomprehensible error messages, and the occasional need to compile applications from source code await Windows users who are considering a leap over the OS divide.
drivers: bullshit. windows comes with shit drivers or no drivers, linux comes with most drivers for most widely used kit.
filesystems: unfamiliar? i suppose you should just keep your FAT12 disks then should you? never mind about permissions or journalling! FAMILIARITY is the most important thing! dick.
incomprehensible error messages: eh? i prefer 'kernel panic: unable to load filesystem' to 'Exception OE 0028:COZAB4BB in VXD NDIS(04) + 00009DE7 called from 0028:C4342DF3 in VXD PPPMAC(04) + 0001A15F.' don't you?
compiling from source: daunting concept, yes. Simple in reality though, usually. This applies to many things about linux and while i think linux is not for those who want their computer to 'just work', i don't think windows is for those people either. For this reason i think any comparisons between linux and windows which show linux unfavourably just go to show that using linux for one afternoon compared to using windows every day of your working life does not give you a good basis for writing an unbiased review.
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PCWorld article "Linux vs Windows:The rematch"
« Reply #2 on: 11 December 2002, 02:22 »
I posted an article about that a month ago (that's when it was written, I'm subsribed to the magazine). At the time SuSe 8.1 was already released, and so was RH8. AND, they were comparing SO5.2 to OfficeXP. AND, they didn't mention (this is from memory) that boxed linux sets that cost 30 dollars come with free support (something 300 dollar Windows does NOT!)


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PCWorld article "Linux vs Windows:The rematch"
« Reply #3 on: 11 December 2002, 03:11 »
err, remember that autoconf gui i was talking about a few months ago. perfect use of it. instead of calliing it "compiling the source for an application" make a drag and drop gui that reads that autoconf like  i was talking about and call it "program installation"
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