Author Topic: Mandrake  (Read 1386 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 5 September 2003, 13:29 »
mandrake and red hat are very similar.
mandrake 5.2 was based on red hat 5.2 and the two projects have developed very similarly since. red hat focuses on corp desktop & server, mandrake focuses on multimedia and is a jack of all trades OS. red hat is pretty stable, mandrake slightly less so because mandrake tends to use more cutting edge software.

they are different enough to be annoying (eg most mandrake rpms won't work properly in red hat and vice versa) but similar enough that you will notice little difference.

in short, red hat is the WIN2000 of linux and mandrake is the windows98 (except that they're both current, and they're not really like windows).

and as for that racist expression, it's not the best choice of verbs no, and the reason is not so that you don't offend gleb, the reason is because racists deserve to die slowly and painfully.

[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #16 on: 5 September 2003, 15:59 »
sorry mate, just an saying nothing ment by it... all i can offer is a tissue?


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« Reply #17 on: 5 September 2003, 16:06 »
yeah very funny smartarse, it's not funny to say racist things even if you don't mean it.
not sure whch side of the racism fence you stand, but no hard feelings eh?

and i'm not jewish, not that it makes any difference, in fact i could be a bleeding abo in your backyard for all the difference it makes. :-D,12070,1022643,00.html
those links aren't relevant by the way, i just like to see racists get their comeuppance, although this is kind of like getting al capone for parking fines.
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« Reply #18 on: 5 September 2003, 17:25 »
Especially amusing that Pauline Hanson and her supporters favored tougher jail sentences for even minor offenses.  (Including mandatory detention for offences in NT and WA, wonder why?)

Now of course that the boots on the other foot all the Pauline Hanson supporters are writing in to newspapers with words to the effect of "it's a minor offense and she's special!  let her off!"

do not assimilate,

Unfortunately a lot of Austalians think along these lines.  That it's OK for immigrants to live in Australia "provided they act like Australians."

[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

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« Reply #19 on: 5 September 2003, 18:01 »
Originally posted by Faust:
Especially amusing that Pauline Hanson and her supporters favored tougher jail sentences for even minor offenses.  (Including mandatory detention for offences in NT and WA, wonder why?)

Now of course that the boots on the other foot all the Pauline Hanson supporters are writing in to newspapers with words to the effect of "it's a minor offense and she's special!  let her off!"

Unfortunately a lot of Austalians think along these lines.  That it's OK for immigrants to live in Australia "provided they act like Australians."

[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

im glad that sack of shit is in jail now, man i apolgiesed what more can i do? ps camberra IS a hole no offence!....


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« Reply #20 on: 5 September 2003, 18:03 »
and i think they can keep there cultural beliefs going here in auz, stupid stinky fish n chip shop owners shouldnt go into politics... no exceptions


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« Reply #21 on: 5 September 2003, 19:16 »
xp convert, fair enough, no hard feelings, eh?
i'm just kind of touchy about racism, and it does have a clause in the signup agreement for this site that says nobody can post racist stuff.

but honestly, we've all said our bit, it's all sorted out, and we can all be friends!   :D  

ps: i think he's from victoria actually and is just studying in canberra, is that right faust?

[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #22 on: 5 September 2003, 19:21 »
Originally posted by Faust:

Unfortunately a lot of Austalians think along these lines.  That it's OK for immigrants to live in Australia "provided they act like Australians."

so when the whites arrived in the 18th century it would have been okay for them to be there so long as they behaved the same way as the aboriginals? perhaps, but they didn't so i say kick those filthy white bastards out of australia and give it back to the real australians.

or at least i would if i followed hanson's logic.

[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #23 on: 5 September 2003, 23:11 »
so when the whites arrived in the 18th century it would have been okay for them to be there so long as they behaved the same way as the aboriginals? perhaps, but they didn't so i say kick those filthy white bastards out of australia and give it back to the real australians.

or at least i would if i followed hanson's logic.

The europeans were the first people in Australia didn't you know Calum?  :rolleyes:

Yeah I'm from Victoria, but Canberra isn't that bad.  Just need to know the decent places to go...  Certainly better than the all-glitz-no-substance affair that is Sydney.     Where are you from XP convert?
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« Reply #24 on: 7 September 2003, 06:57 »
born in melbz lives in perth, yes i know were isolated but hey atleast we CAN go to the beach over here with out turning all blue  


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« Reply #25 on: 7 September 2003, 07:56 »
did hansons jailing get international air play? i didnt think any one cared about auz... my bad ey


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« Reply #26 on: 7 September 2003, 13:58 »
Originally posted by Calum:
yeah very funny smartarse, it's not funny to say racist things even if you don't mean it.
not sure whch side of the racism fence you stand, but no hard feelings eh?

and i'm not jewish, not that it makes any difference, in fact i could be a bleeding abo in your backyard for all the difference it makes. :-D,12070,1022643,00.html
those links aren't relevant by the way, i just like to see racists get their comeuppance, although this is kind of like getting al capone for parking fines.

I think it's wrong to call Jew Bashing Racism, there is no Jewish race, most people who are called "JEWS" look pretty white to me (Jerry Sienfeild).  besides It's a religion, not a race.....

no offence Calum, just that you sparked a thought.


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« Reply #27 on: 7 September 2003, 16:38 »
actually the hebrews are a race.
the religion of judaism goes with it and i think that officially to be a jew you must racially also be a hebrew.

the hebrews are the "chosen people" and they've gone to long lengths to keep their race pure all this time.

race is not determined by how people look. hatred might well be determined by that but race is determined by genetic content.

to me, hispanic, greek, anglo saxon, nordic, japanese, african, australian, maori people all look pretty much alike to me. sometimes i can't tell if a person is black or not (their skin colour not always being a good indication). when i say alike, compare the tiny differences between human races with the difference between different types of cats, or different types of dogs, or lizards.

there's some evidence emerging to suggest that we really do (humans) all come from the same stock initially anyway.
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« Reply #28 on: 7 September 2003, 16:51 »
To be a Jew your mother must be a Jew.  Hence why some jewish mothers get upset at their daughters marrying non jews, whereas for their sons it's still a big thing, but not as big.  There is also a Jewish religion, but that is not the same as the Jewish race.
As Calum points out we do all have the same genetic lineage - we do obviously have two legs, two feet, extreme similarities etcetera.  Of course the fact that I was (probably) decended from African blood doesnt mean calling Africans some of those oh so lovely words neo nazis spout isnt "racism."
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« Reply #29 on: 7 September 2003, 16:55 »

most people who are called "JEWS" look pretty white to me

Most Irish people look pretty much the same as most Brits to me, doesnt stop some people calling them "paddies" or such.  And just because its a Jewish man (i think) saying it doesnt mean its not racist.
Also please note that religion bashing isnt that nice either.  Sure I may not remember the "ism" it gets filed under at the moment but if I were to refer to all Catholics as "those kid rapers" I'm still discriminating.
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