Author Topic: Window Managers  (Read 763 times)


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« on: 19 October 2002, 19:06 »
Hey all.

Ive installed IceWM and Enlightenment. but i dont know how to start either, i know that theres some switch desk thing but u have to do that from a terminal only mode and i dont know how to get to terminal only.

I can start both of them in the "Failsafe" option at login but only ice wm actually works, enlightenment just has boxes where windows are supposed to be (kinda like the frame of it).

How do i make IceWM a choice at login and how can i make Enlightenment run over KDE.

Ive tried the "Desktop Switching Utility" in KDE but is says restart X and i dont know how to do that so i log out then back in - no changes, i restart - no changes.

Please help me out here. i am more inclined to think i will end up using IceWM so any help on that would be great.

Thanx in Advance.



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« Reply #1 on: 19 October 2002, 19:11 »
To start X type: startx

If you have not configured your X,
then type XF86config and follow the instructions.
Be sure you read it carefully, and realize that there are a lot of video cards to choose from (over 400) so be sure you know which one you have, and be sure you research your monitor's specifications. Important!

If you get past that, then come back so we can tell you how to get rid of the virtual desktop, if you wind up with one.  
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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« Reply #2 on: 19 October 2002, 19:34 »
Ermm im stuck on the vertical thingomabob and horizontal refresh. i know my monitor is at 1024*768 but i dont know about of of this frequency stuff, its a second hand monitor, i got no books etc with it... is there any way i can find out???

Master of Reality

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« Reply #3 on: 19 October 2002, 19:50 »
are you using KDE??Does it work?
shit... i will have to reboot my computer into Linux to help you.
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Master of Reality

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« Reply #4 on: 19 October 2002, 20:06 »
ummmm... your givin him the hard ass way to do it!!!!
I suggest you dont do what exeleven suggested.

first of all... if KDE worked then you dont need to configure X.

2. To restart X server logout and there will be a pull down menu that say "options" click it and choose restart X. In Redhat 8 it says "options" at the bottom of the screen. Oe you could press alt+e to restart it (i think).

3. TO add other GUI (graphic user ionterfaces) to the login menu you must go into kde. Go to the control center. Go to system > login screen
and then add them. You must know what the name of the actual executable is. for windowmake it is probly "wmaker" and for icewm its probably "icewm" or there might be a capital on it.

I am just trying to remember most of this because i am not in Linux.

[ October 19, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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« Reply #5 on: 22 October 2002, 14:48 »
hey, on topic (i hope), does anybody know of anywhere i can get icePrefas a source tarball or source rpm please? i went here but could not find any links to icePref.
No big deal i suppose as there are a few other iceWM configurers there that i will also try.
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« Reply #6 on: 23 October 2002, 21:53 »
aha. on topic again (i still hope) I just set up a guest account on my home laptop machine in mandrake 9.0.
Two questions, i want to set up the guest to use GNOME2.0, with IceWM as the window manager, is this as easy as setting IceWM instead of Sawfish in the control panel? or are there tips and tricks i need to know? i will search using google, but just if anybody happens to know...

also, not sure what login manager i am using, it is a graphical (X) one, whichever one is default with mandrake, and i want to make it so that 'guest' cannot login without using the GNOME/IceWM environment, while allowing other users to have the choice of any environments that are installed (which currently all users have) is this possible? if so, any idea how?
Thanks in advance, but no sweat if not, i will search google.
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« Reply #7 on: 23 October 2002, 23:28 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

HEh, that is pretty bad when a person doesn't even know the max refresh rate that his monitor can do.

Mine can do up to 2048x1536@144hz(it can do up to 210hz in lower resolutions like 1024x768    :D   ). Maybe this goes to show that just because you use Linux doesn't make you a technical person(as opposed to what some Linux Zealots say). ;P

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]



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« Reply #8 on: 24 October 2002, 00:09 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Maybe this goes to show that just because you use Linux doesn't make you a technical person(as opposed to what some Linux Zealots say). ;P

No shit Sherlock. Just like just because a person uses Windows doesn't automatically mean that they are an idiot. Although chances are that would be the case, and some might consider you in that category (not saying I do). I would much rather be a Linux zealot than an Windows idiot.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #9 on: 24 October 2002, 02:31 »
me too.

why does zombie2468764237 follow people around and insult them when they ask a question?

maybe in windowsuserland it is somehow shameful to ask a question.

Well linux has a lot higher newbie user quotient than windows does, and maybe unlike with windows it is OKAY for linux users to ask each other questions.

maybe you should go and peddle your windows guruness on the windows BS, zombie...

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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