Author Topic: windows in GRUB  (Read 685 times)

Master of Reality

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windows in GRUB
« on: 14 July 2002, 13:12 »
what do i need to do in order to add windows to my GRUB bootloader? Windows 9 is on hda3.
I am only in windows until i get an answer so time is of the essence before i eat my entire computer and then regurgitate it into an industrial blender.

[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

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windows in GRUB
« Reply #1 on: 15 July 2002, 02:13 »
Here is how I did it with my Mandrake set-up:
Code: [Select]
You add these lines to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Grub uses a slightly different numbering system to refer to the various parts, as the numbering begins with zero, not one. "hd0" referrs to hda. The "0" after the comma would refer to the first primary part. The numbers are one less than the part nos. Since 'Drake has its root part on /dev/hda5, the corresponding menu item is "root (hd0,4)". Thus, to boot Winders on your rig, try: "root (hd0,2)". You can get a good idea as to what to add to your menu.lst file by studying what's there already. Also, be sure to make a backup copy before you start hacking on it. I've never had anything go wrong, but you can't be too careful where system-critical files are concerned.

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[ July 14, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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windows in GRUB
« Reply #2 on: 15 July 2002, 02:44 »
how do i restart grub?
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windows in GRUB
« Reply #3 on: 15 July 2002, 07:39 »
You don't have to restart GRUB or rerun the grub command like you do with LILO.  You just change the menu file and reboot and the changes should be there.
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Master of Reality

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windows in GRUB
« Reply #4 on: 15 July 2002, 10:53 »
it needs to be 'put' back in the MBR after i installed windows.
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windows in GRUB
« Reply #5 on: 15 July 2002, 17:56 »
I believe I answered this question in a previous thread.  Boot your Linux installation from a boot floppy and run "/sbin/grub-install" (see "man grub-install"). You *did* create a Linux boot floppy before installing Windows right?
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