Author Topic: uninstalling  (Read 506 times)

Master of Reality

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« on: 23 May 2002, 03:16 »
is there a way i can uninstall a whole bunch of RPMS at once???? I want to uninstall gnoem.
(This is one of the reason i like Slakware: for its package management thingy)
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Linux User #283518
'It takes more than a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head to stop Bob'


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« Reply #1 on: 23 May 2002, 04:52 »
Sure, just specify more than one package on the command line:

Code: [Select]

etc.  But I assume you want to do something like removing all packages with "gnome" in their name you could do something like:

Code: [Select]

Either of the above to examples would likely fail because other packages without "gnome" in their name would surely depend on one or more of those packages that you are removing. For instance, "evolution" (a nice Outlook clone) has certain gnome dependencies. You could of course ignore those dependencies and remove the packages regardless by adding a "--nodeps" to the command line, but you most certainly would not want to do that as you would then have broken apps on your system. Dependencies are a "good" thing.

If you have a package manager that will remove a package without checking whether another app is dependent on it, I would say that is not much of a package manager. When removing apps you more than likely would not want to have an option to remove the package and all packages that depend on it automatically (unlike if you are installing). The only thing I personally wish RPM had that the Debian package manager has is the ability to resolve/install/upgrade all dependencies during the "installation" of an application. There are RPM frontend utilities in the RPM world that will do this.

I can understand why people would like to use them. Having used RPM for so long and having a good understanding of how it works I don't find it that big of a deal to not automatically resolve dependencies. But before I understood RPM I had the same frustrations that a lot of people have when they complain about "dependency hell".
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...