Author Topic: There is a more insidious thing about Linux  (Read 817 times)


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« on: 7 May 2003, 03:36 »

Recently I've been introduced to an operating system known as Linux.

Lured by its low cost, I replaced Windows 98 on my computer with Linux. Unfortunately the more I use it the more I fear that this "Linux" may be an insidious way for the Dark One to gain a stronger foothold here on Earth. I know this may be a shocking claim, but I have evidence to back it up!

To begin with, Linux is based off of an older, obsolete OS called "BSD Unix". The child-indoctrinatingly-cute cartoon mascot of this OS is a devil holding a pitchfork. This OS -- and its Linux offspring -- extensively use what are unsettingly called "daemons" (which is how Pagans write "demon" -- they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.) which is a program that hides in the background, doing things without the user's notice. If you are using a computer running Linux then you probably have these "demons" on your computer, hardly something a good Christian would want! Furthermore in order to start or stop these "demons" a user must execute a command called "finger". By "fingering" a "demon" one excercises an unholy power, much the same way that the Lord of Flies controls his black minions.

Linux contains another Satanic holdover from the "BSD Unix" OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: "chmod 666". What other horrors lurk in this thing?

Consider some of these other Linux commands: "sleep", "mount", "unzip", "strip" and "touch". All highly suggestive in a sexual nature. I know that our Lord cannot approve of these, and I urge them to be renamed to something appropriate to the Christian community. Interestingly "CONTROL-G" (the sixth key from the left of the keyboard) does an abort. To write files a "VI" editor is included. All these are to ensnare the unsuspecting christian who could get tempted by typing "VIVIVI" all day long.

Fourth, Linux uses a flavor of DOS known as Bash. Bash is an acronym for "Bourne Again Shell". On the surface this would appear to be supportive of the Lord. However, remember that even Satan can quote the bible for his own purposes! While I believe Linux may be born-again, its obvious by the misspelling of "born" that its not born-again in an Christian church. Will the lies ever cease?

Additionally, one of the main long-haired hippies involved with the GNU Free Software Foundation supports communism, contraception and abortion. He has consistently supported 60's counter-cultural "values", and his web site even advocates government support of contraception. He also wears fake halos, and has quips about his made-up church that relates to his free software. I find such blasphemy to be extremely unsettling.

One must also remember that the creator of Linux, a college student named Linux Torvaldis, comes from Finland. I'm sure all the followers of Christ are aware of the heritical nature of the Finnish: from necrophilia to human sacrifice, Finnish culture is awash in sin. I find little reason to believe anything good and holy could arise from this evil land.

Finally, let us remember that there is an alternative to using the Satan-powered Linux. I think history has shown us that Microsoft is quite holy. I'm told that its founder, William Gates is a strong supporter of our Lord and I encourage my fellow Christians to buy only his products to help keep the Devil at bay.

I wish I had more time to expound upon my findings. Unfortunately a family of Jews has moved in across the street and I must go speak to them of Jesus Christ before they are condemned to eternal hellfire.

Please investigate this as you see fit and I'm sure you'll reach the same conclusions that I have.


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #1 on: 7 May 2003, 03:52 »
I really REALLY hope that this was intended to be humorous and not serious. If you were being serious, then I would strongly suggest that you see a psychotherapist, since your problems are not in any way GNU/Linux related.

[ May 07, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #2 on: 7 May 2003, 03:59 »
Originally posted by micah282:

Recently I've been introduced to an operating system known as Linux.

Lured by its low cost, I replaced Windows 98 on my computer with Linux. Unfortunately the more I use it the more I fear that this "Linux" may be an insidious way for the Dark One to gain a stronger foothold here on Earth. I know this may be a shocking claim, but I have evidence to back it up!

To begin with, Linux is based off of an older, obsolete OS called "BSD Unix". The child-indoctrinatingly-cute cartoon mascot of this OS is a devil holding a pitchfork. This OS -- and its Linux offspring -- extensively use what are unsettingly called "daemons" (which is how Pagans write "demon" -- they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.) which is a program that hides in the background, doing things without the user's notice. If you are using a computer running Linux then you probably have these "demons" on your computer, hardly something a good Christian would want! Furthermore in order to start or stop these "demons" a user must execute a command called "finger". By "fingering" a "demon" one excercises an unholy power, much the same way that the Lord of Flies controls his black minions.

Linux contains another Satanic holdover from the "BSD Unix" OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: "chmod 666". What other horrors lurk in this thing?

Consider some of these other Linux commands: "sleep", "mount", "unzip", "strip" and "touch". All highly suggestive in a sexual nature. I know that our Lord cannot approve of these, and I urge them to be renamed to something appropriate to the Christian community. Interestingly "CONTROL-G" (the sixth key from the left of the keyboard) does an abort. To write files a "VI" editor is included. All these are to ensnare the unsuspecting christian who could get tempted by typing "VIVIVI" all day long.

Fourth, Linux uses a flavor of DOS known as Bash. Bash is an acronym for "Bourne Again Shell". On the surface this would appear to be supportive of the Lord. However, remember that even Satan can quote the bible for his own purposes! While I believe Linux may be born-again, its obvious by the misspelling of "born" that its not born-again in an Christian church. Will the lies ever cease?

Additionally, one of the main long-haired hippies involved with the GNU Free Software Foundation supports communism, contraception and abortion. He has consistently supported 60's counter-cultural "values", and his web site even advocates government support of contraception. He also wears fake halos, and has quips about his made-up church that relates to his free software. I find such blasphemy to be extremely unsettling.

One must also remember that the creator of Linux, a college student named Linux Torvaldis, comes from Finland. I'm sure all the followers of Christ are aware of the heritical nature of the Finnish: from necrophilia to human sacrifice, Finnish culture is awash in sin. I find little reason to believe anything good and holy could arise from this evil land.

Finally, let us remember that there is an alternative to using the Satan-powered Linux. I think history has shown us that Microsoft is quite holy. I'm told that its founder, William Gates is a strong supporter of our Lord and I encourage my fellow Christians to buy only his products to help keep the Devil at bay.

I wish I had more time to expound upon my findings. Unfortunately a family of Jews has moved in across the street and I must go speak to them of Jesus Christ before they are condemned to eternal hellfire.

Please investigate this as you see fit and I'm sure you'll reach the same conclusions that I have.

i have read that somewhere. it wasnt serious, and i hope that you aren't either.
fucking rediculous. isnt linux based off of minix?
i am going to keep my mouth shut so i avoid upsetting any christians. ahh. my head hurts now.


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #3 on: 7 May 2003, 12:14 »
yeah BASED off minix,  the quirk will say Im wrong.

religion and software don't belong together.

Bill Gates of HELL

!Windows because anyone on the Internet can look inside

Im coining that right now


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #4 on: 7 May 2003, 12:48 »
Originally posted by micah282:
I'm told that its founder, William Gates is a strong supporter of our Lord



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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #5 on: 7 May 2003, 15:23 »
Originally posted by micah282:

Recently I've been introduced to an operating system known as Linux.....
yes i haven't seen this before, and i thought it was quite amusing, but i am a pedant so let me pick at a couple of you rpoints in a way which implies that i didn't get the joke (rest assured i did, but i am a pedant as i say):

Lured by its low cost, I replaced Windows 98 on my computer with Linux. Unfortunately the more I use it the more I fear that this "Linux" may be an insidious way for the Dark One to gain a stronger foothold here on Earth. I know this may be a shocking claim, but I have evidence to back it up!
every statement in this paragraph is true. disprove me. i dare you.

To begin with, Linux is based off of an older, obsolete OS called "BSD Unix".
got you there on two counts of wrongness though, Linux was originally inspired by minix, however i am not convinced it was ever based on anything. certainly linux was created as a replacement for minix which contained better hardware support and more features than minix. Also BSD (not BSD Unix, although many call it that, BSD was based on Unix after all) is not in any way obsolete. many desktop computer users use it, and it powers the internet's most stable servers. This site used to be hosted on BSD (i think it might be on linux now i am not sure).    
The child-indoctrinatingly-cute cartoon mascot of this OS is a devil holding a pitchfork.
oh i see, if you admit linux is not based on BSD, your little demon connection becomes too tenuous    
This OS -- and its Linux offspring -- extensively use what are unsettingly called "daemons" (which is how Pagans write "demon" -- they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.)
ho ho, most amusing. i have wondered why they are called daemons though.    
which is a program that hides in the background, doing things without the user's notice.
no. daemons actually perform tasks which the user requires in order to do their work. they remain unobtrusive so you can get on with whatever it is you are trying to do.    
If you are using a computer running Linux then you probably have these "demons" on your computer, hardly something a good Christian would want!
i prefer to think of them more as gremlins, something i know my computer does have    
Furthermore in order to start or stop these "demons" a user must execute a command called "finger". By "fingering" a "demon" one excercises an unholy power, much the same way that the Lord of Flies controls his black minions.
um, yeah....

Linux contains another Satanic holdover from the "BSD Unix" OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt
now we're talking satanic, the bash command prompt bears NO resemblance to DOS except that DOS is based on CP/M, which is copied of of Unix among other things.    
in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: "chmod 666". What other horrors lurk in this thing?
it's hardly secret, type "man chmod" to find out the whole sordid demonic truth behind this insidious command. Also, there's now an alternative operator made of letters that you can use to get the same effect. i am not familiar with the letters, but i imagine you could just do "chmod +rw" to do the same job, but then that takes away the tenuous satanic link again doesn't it?

Consider some of these other Linux commands: "sleep", "mount", "unzip", "strip" and "touch". All highly suggestive in a sexual nature. I know that our Lord cannot approve of these,
your lord invented sex. every sexual act was conceived (ho ho) by god. god invented sex. christians need to get over this mental hurdle. sex was invented by god. and only a sex deprived maniac would seriously say that the word "finger" is so sexual that it should be banned from use as a computer command.    
and I urge them to be renamed to something appropriate to the Christian community. Interestingly "CONTROL-G" (the sixth key from the left of the keyboard) does an abort.
abort, eh? now there's something non christian, i wonder if you are a protestant since you conveniently gloss over this.    
To write files a "VI" editor is included. All these are to ensnare the unsuspecting christian who could get tempted by typing "VIVIVI" all day long.
what? oh i see, you reckon VIVIVI is roman numerals for 666? actually VIVIVI isn't a roman numeral at all. 666 would be DCLXVI in actual fact. also, it's not VI it's vi, in small letters. and i think it stands for visual editor or something, since when vi was introduced (if i recall in unix revision five or something) it was the first full page editor, up till then ed and its line based ilk being the only option. imagine the backlash of people saying things like "only pussies use vi, real men use sed!". One final point to put this 666 thing to bed is the whole issue of it being a satanic number in the first place. The original mark of the beast was allegedly 616 and not 666. Obviously ANY reference to 666 is therefore highly suspect and potentially bogus. The number was changed by the catholic church umpty tum hundred years ago so they could incriminate some suspected witches whose names wouldn't add up to anything satanic unless they changed the number, apparently.

Fourth, Linux uses a flavor of DOS known as Bash. Bash is an acronym for "Bourne Again Shell". On the surface this would appear to be supportive of the Lord. However, remember that even Satan can quote the bible for his own purposes!
and by this logic, all the satanic references you cite may indeed be full worship of your one true lord, and your declaimings might well be in defiance of the king of kings. and bash is NOT a "flavor" of DOS. it has NOTHING to do with DOS. NOTHING, do you hear me? also, bash is in no way specific to linux, or to any system. it can be compiled for use with virtually any system you can think of. proof of the spread of satanism?  
While I believe Linux may be born-again, its obvious by the misspelling of "born" that its not born-again in an Christian church. Will the lies ever cease?
well actually it means it's a totally new shell which works like 'sh'. 'sh' was closed source, bash was open source. it's a clever pun, i think the 'Bourne' refers to the surname of the person responsible for the original 'sh', but i could be wrong, anybody know?

Additionally, one of the main long-haired hippies
oh yes, having long hair's a sin, everybody knows that jesus had a crew cut, doesn't it actually say in the bible that cutting your hair is a sin? I forget the actual reference but i think you'll find i am correct.    
involved with the GNU Free Software Foundation supports communism,
and where does your bible say communism is wrong? i put it to you that you mindlessly follow the societal programming of the day and accept that somehow 'communism' is 'bad'. you betray yourself here, stallman thinks. nobody in the US would say they supported communism without a damn good reason, take the time to find out what that reason is.    
contraception and abortion.
yeah, that's a big deal with you people too eh? too much land and not enough people allows you to put off realising that the world has too many people on it already. banning abortion and contraception simply ignored the fact that people will still have sex, and therefore still have babies, and if you don't like it, write a letter of complaint to the person who invented sex, can you remember who that was, now?    
He has consistently supported 60's counter-cultural "values", and his web site even advocates government support of contraception. He also wears fake halos, and has quips about his made-up church that relates to his free software.
stallman is an atheist and does not hide the fact. the 'Church of Emacs' was not initiated by stallman.    
I find such blasphemy to be extremely unsettling.
that's because you have no confidence in your own beliefs. maybe you should ditch your prepackaged belief system and make up your own mind about what you think is true and what isn't.

One must also remember that the creator of Linux, a college student named Linux Torvaldis, comes from Finland. I'm sure all the followers of Christ are aware of the heritical nature of the Finnish: from necrophilia to human sacrifice, Finnish culture is awash in sin. I find little reason to believe anything good and holy could arise from this evil land.
this is just fucking racist, and joke or not, it's in bad taste. remember that the agreement you signed when you joined this site says:    
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, or excessively abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
and racism is illegal in the US, which is where this site physically resides.

Finally, let us remember that there is an alternative to using the Satan-powered Linux. I think history has shown us that Microsoft is quite holy. I'm told that its founder, William Gates is a strong supporter of our Lord and I encourage my fellow Christians to buy only his products to help keep the Devil at bay.
George Bush and Tony Blair are both Christians as well, and let us not forget how many deaths and injuries, not to mention colatteral damage those two upstanding paragons of peace and goodwill among men have been directly responsible for in the last three months alone. Compare that number now with the number of deaths attributable to Stallman, Perens, Raymond and Torvalds and i think you will find that my conclusion makes much more sense than yours.

I wish I had more time to expound upon my findings. Unfortunately a family of Jews has moved in across the street and I must go speak to them of Jesus Christ before they are condemned to eternal hellfire.
yeah, they probably adhere to the satanic practise of not cutting their hair too.

Please investigate this as you see fit and I'm sure you'll reach the same conclusions that I have.

I didn't and i have already spent too much time on the subject.

[ May 07, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]

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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #6 on: 7 May 2003, 21:08 »
I hope your joking.  Who decides that pagans spell daemon the wrong way?  You?  The "right" spelling is decided by popular consensus - the only requirement for a language is that it allows consistent communication among a group, so if the pagans understood the word "Daemon" then it was a valid word.  
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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #7 on: 7 May 2003, 21:17 »
Unfortunately a family of Jews has moved in across the street and I must go speak to them of Jesus Christ before they are condemned to eternal hellfire.

I'm pretty sure it was a joke. (I hope so.)


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #8 on: 7 May 2003, 21:34 »
That was great  :D


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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #9 on: 7 May 2003, 21:35 »
[/quote]involved with the GNU Free Software Foundation supports communism[/quote]

money lenders.  temple.  jesus.  big fight.

about the long hair...  I have long hair.  Drunk people consistently tell me I look like Jesus.    

Maybe you need to stop worshipping the idol of the church authority (which is a sin btw) and start listening to Jesus and God themselves?
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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #10 on: 7 May 2003, 21:45 »
it was a joke, i was just being anally retentive! nobody could say that and be serious! does anybody really think this is serious?
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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #11 on: 7 May 2003, 21:47 »
Of course its a joke but criticism is fun.   ;)
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There is a more insidious thing about Linux
« Reply #12 on: 9 May 2003, 06:11 »
Originally posted by micah282:

Recently I've been introduced to an operating system known as Linux.

Lured by its low cost, I replaced Windows 98 on my computer with Linux. Unfortunately the more I use it the more I fear that this "Linux" may be an insidious way for the Dark One to gain a stronger foothold here on Earth. I know this may be a shocking claim, but I have evidence to back it up!

To begin with, Linux is based off of an older, obsolete OS called "BSD Unix". The child-indoctrinatingly-cute cartoon mascot of this OS is a devil holding a pitchfork. This OS -- and its Linux offspring -- extensively use what are unsettingly called "daemons" (which is how Pagans write "demon" -- they are notoriously poor spellers: magick, vampyre, etc.) which is a program that hides in the background, doing things without the user's notice. If you are using a computer running Linux then you probably have these "demons" on your computer, hardly something a good Christian would want! Furthermore in order to start or stop these "demons" a user must execute a command called "finger". By "fingering" a "demon" one excercises an unholy power, much the same way that the Lord of Flies controls his black minions.

Linux contains another Satanic holdover from the "BSD Unix" OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: "chmod 666". What other horrors lurk in this thing?

Consider some of these other Linux commands: "sleep", "mount", "unzip", "strip" and "touch". All highly suggestive in a sexual nature. I know that our Lord cannot approve of these, and I urge them to be renamed to something appropriate to the Christian community. Interestingly "CONTROL-G" (the sixth key from the left of the keyboard) does an abort. To write files a "VI" editor is included. All these are to ensnare the unsuspecting christian who could get tempted by typing "VIVIVI" all day long.

Fourth, Linux uses a flavor of DOS known as Bash. Bash is an acronym for "Bourne Again Shell". On the surface this would appear to be supportive of the Lord. However, remember that even Satan can quote the bible for his own purposes! While I believe Linux may be born-again, its obvious by the misspelling of "born" that its not born-again in an Christian church. Will the lies ever cease?

Additionally, one of the main long-haired hippies involved with the GNU Free Software Foundation supports communism, contraception and abortion. He has consistently supported 60's counter-cultural "values", and his web site even advocates government support of contraception. He also wears fake halos, and has quips about his made-up church that relates to his free software. I find such blasphemy to be extremely unsettling.

One must also remember that the creator of Linux, a college student named Linux Torvaldis, comes from Finland. I'm sure all the followers of Christ are aware of the heritical nature of the Finnish: from necrophilia to human sacrifice, Finnish culture is awash in sin. I find little reason to believe anything good and holy could arise from this evil land.

Finally, let us remember that there is an alternative to using the Satan-powered Linux. I think history has shown us that Microsoft is quite holy. I'm told that its founder, William Gates is a strong supporter of our Lord and I encourage my fellow Christians to buy only his products to help keep the Devil at bay.

I wish I had more time to expound upon my findings. Unfortunately a family of Jews has moved in across the street and I must go speak to them of Jesus Christ before they are condemned to eternal hellfire.

Please investigate this as you see fit and I'm sure you'll reach the same conclusions that I have.

God damn racist!
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