Originally posted by ThePreacher:
Here are the results of rpm -qa | grep -i apache
The exact version of Mandrake I use is Mandrake Linux 9.0 2.4.19-16mdk i686
Ok, this one should be quite easy. First let me say that I am not sure of the Mandrake RPM build tree. In Red Hat it's /usr/src/redhat/*, I believe in Mandrake it is /usr/src/RPM/*. If this is not so it will be something similar. Here we go:
First download the SRC RPM and install it:
# wget
ftp://csociety-ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/Mandrake/updates/9.0/SRPMS/apache-1.3.26-6.1mdk.src.rpm# rpm -i apache-1.3.26-6.1mdk.src.rpm
Now let's hack:
# cd /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES
# bunzip2 apache-1.3.26-baseversion.patch.bz2
Edit the "apache-1.3.26-baseversion.patch" file (I suggest vim
) and change the line that looks like this:
to something like:
Now bzip2 it back up:
# bzip2 apache-1.3.26-baseversion.patch
and build the binary RPM by:
# cd ../SPECS
# rpmbuild -bb apache.spec
If everything goes according to plan you should have binary RPMs for Apache somewhere under "/usr/src/RPM/RPMS/*
You should only have to install the base server since all the versions of the other RPMS will be exact. Since the same version is already installed you may have to force it:
# rpm -Uvh apache-1.3.26-6.1mdk.i586.rpm --force --nodeps
Now restart the Apache service. No sweat right?
P.S. If this works for you without much modification (let me know if something is incorrect) maybe I will start a Mandrake tips page with this as the first entry.
P.S.S. This also assumes you have development packages installed (gcc, make etc) and the rpm developement packages installed (rpm-build, etc) which I am not sure if Mandrake 9.0 does by default. And I am not 100% sure if all of the ones I mentioned are necessary and if more than what I mention are necessary, I would have to look that up. The easiest way to tell if something is missing is to just try the instructions. If there is an error about something not found then you need to install something else.
[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]