Author Topic: Server behind h/w router  (Read 536 times)


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Server behind h/w router
« on: 23 September 2002, 00:29 »
Is it possible to run a server behind a hardware router? I want either a hardware router or a wireless router, and I want to run a server behind it.

Why? Let's face it: Linux's software router SUCKS. REALLY BAD. Add wireless to the mix, and it gets even worse. I have a Mac connected to the server, and Mandrake can't even bring up eth0 (the card connected to the LAN), but it recognizes it. A hardware router would be so much easier...

I've looked elsewhere and found shit. Thanks guys!


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Server behind h/w router
« Reply #1 on: 23 September 2002, 00:46 »
I'm not facing anything of the sort. Linux's routing and firewall capabilities are *very* superior and always have been. However to answer your question, of course you can run a server behind a hardware router (even though I presume you mean firewall or a device incorrectly labeled as a router such as a DSL/Cable router). It is very rare these days to access servers on the internet where this is not the case (behind a firewall).  Usually the best configuration is a hardware firewall with DMZ capability (a third network interface).  Then you can quarantine your internet routers in the DMZ and give them little or no access to the inside network, yet be able to restrict access to those servers via the firewall settings. But this is unusual and not very feasable for a home user.

Having your server behind your firewall on your inside network is risky as if someone were to own the server they would have full access to the rest of your internal network, however it can be done with NAT or port forwarding. Even on Cable/DSL routers via the built in firewalling and port forwarding functionality.

[ September 22, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Server behind h/w router
« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2002, 02:22 »
I run a server behind a NAT firewall, (hardware)  no problems at all.  As for a script based firewall being supierior to an ASIC based router....NOT A CHANCE.  The ASIC solution is faster.  That said I still think Linux solution is better overall because it's open source and cheap..etc..etc.
dbl221***Comp-Sys walking wounded