Originally posted by Stryker:
Intresting how in windows xp they decided to have it default to administrator when adding a user (unless of course you are using "computer manager").
And that just proves that Microsoft has no concept of computer security.
I've never been able to make another root-ish user, tried and failed. And the only reason I do want to do this is so that i can have a backup in case one gets fucked up. (sometimes i go to school and don't logout. my mom just assumes it's ok to do things).
The only thing that makes "root" root is the fact that it has a UID of "0". As I said if you change the UID to 0 on another user account they will in effect be "root". But now your system is half as secure as it was before because you have two users with root privileges.
# adduser root2
# passwd root2
# vi /etc/passwd
change the UID and GID to "0" and you will have two root accounts. Do an "su - root2" and you will see a # rather than a $ indicating you are root.
Again, I would not suggest this. If he doesn't want you to have root's password (also cutting his security in half) then he can "sudo" certain processes you need to run as if you were root.
[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]