Hey ppl, im friends with cyrax-, he's actually a linux person and after reading some of the replies, yous are nice ppl here and i am sorry for any trouble that came as a result of my friends comments...
he's just messin' around, one thing is for sure, we cant bag *nix systems as they are very stable, stability is a result of having no GUI thou, windows provides jobs for us in the future when we have to fix email for ppl every 2 sec, see, if it wasnt for the GUI, there wouldn't be an industry for us to work in...
so remember pplz, even thou M$ will continue to screw most of us and the rest of the public for some years to come, without it, we would all be unemployed...lets face it, we all started with MS, even thou i hate it personally...xp really sux, ME was a fuken mistake...
anywayz, sorry again pplz...