Author Topic: Knoppix!  (Read 444 times)


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« on: 16 August 2003, 02:22 »
I don't really have much to say here, just wanted to explain my opinion that Knoppix really really really kicks ass! I seriously trashed my hard drive screwing around with different distros I downloaded, not really caring because I'm going to be doing a new install of Redhat 9 in a few days anyway (unless I was greatly impressed with one of the ones I tried, that is). So far, this one is the one I like the most! It has great default settings, comes with a ton of useful tools...
I guess a way to make this post useful would be to ask, what are your (anybody) opinions on this? What distro do you perfer? Now that I've found out there's so much more than Redhat I'm curious    :D  

(Edit: forgot to mention that the MAIN reason I love this thing is that I can screw up my computer this much and still be able to do so much with one little CD)

[ August 15, 2003: Message edited by: Dirk Gently ]


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« Reply #1 on: 16 August 2003, 02:49 »
Eh he, Knoppix shouldnt screw anything over.  By default hdd partitions are mounted read only.  Knoppix is based on Debian which is my favorite, but I would recommend starting with something else.  The Debian install is Evil with a capital S.  (for satanicly so.)  Just go with Mandrake / Red Hat to start with then experiment from there to find one that suits _you_.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that