This just in. A new virus hit the net that affects the Microsoft family of operating systems. Including win2k3 and xp with the new sp2 installed.
Antiav32.worm infects the Microsoft anti-virus software by creating a dat file and installing itself as an 'update' thus infecting and taking control of the whole system.
m$ say that they are working for a patch but will not be able to release it till 2027.
Then not to much later.
A new virous has been found 'Anti2av32.worm 'that infects the patched version of their anti-virous software that takes control of the whole system. It infects all M$ OS'es.
m$ is now going to release a patch for that patch but says the only way the user will be safe will be to 'upgrade' to their newest version of windows.
Then a short time later....
A new virus has been found 'Anti3av32.worm/Anti3av64.worm' that infects all m$ os'es by infecting Microsofts anti-virous program that has been patched with a patch for a patch. But this time the infection also includes their newest OS as well that has also been patched with SP90000000000000000000000098198292021.
And so the story ontinues....

[ June 16, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]