Coming at ya from Red Hat 8.0.
Phew. Just goes to prove how chasing GUI is not a good idea - never thought it was, but just goes to show.
Okay it seems that in 7.3 there are tulip driver issues, the wrong one is compiled - this appears not so in RH 8.0, or something.
However I did two things wrong. I do not need to configure network for my DSL line, I just used the System tools Internet configuration wizard ***spit*** and entered the asked for info. When I edited the info last time I changed the provider box to - well RH does not require the .net extension - as does mandrake.
I activated the xDSL and bang it came up. My network card will still not activate, because it is trying to activate without being connected to a network proper. I think - there is going to be no DNS and nowhere to DHCP from so to speak.
In fact I think I can remove the network card form the network devices and then I won't have to wait two mins while it fails to activate.
Wow. If I new what I was doing I would not have had to use GUI, and would not have screwed up with a stupid mistake and not spotted it.
Hey Lazygamer, if you get that DSL modem and a network card - it's a piece of cake to get up and running