Author Topic: How to convert others to linux?  (Read 966 times)


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How to convert others to linux?
« Reply #15 on: 10 December 2002, 11:50 »
Originally posted by Faust:
Virus free is kinda good wuck... no more virus scans  taking up over two hours of my time... But as linux becomes more popular with people wont the [expletive]heads that write virus' start writing some for linux? I had got the (tell me if im wrong) impression that linux was virus free because certain ppl want to do the most damage... and doing the most damage meant damaging the most popular OS. If virus writing for linux becomes popular wont everyone be caught by surprise? I mean there are no linux virus scanners... like i said correct me if im wrong.

We've been over this many times on this forum. Popularity of the OS really has nothing to do with it's susceptibility to viruses. Compare Apache to IIS for web servers. Apache is the web server software used by more than twice as many internet sites than IIS (Microsoft's web server software). Yet Apache has only had a tiny fraction of exploits to IIS. The same is true with Linux. Linux like UNIX is designed with security in mind. Microsoft OSs and applications are not.

Linux could be running on 100% of the desktops and like the Apache/IIS comparison would only have a tiny fraction of problems that Windows has with viruses. Viruses just can't work in Linux like they do in a Microsoft environment. And as I have stated many times in the past I have yet to see my first true virus in Linux or UNIX. And I have been working with Linux for almost 10 years and UNIX for longer than that (when UNIX systems outnumbered Windows). Viruses have been part of Microsoft operating systems since the first version of DOS and they still don't give a shit about it.

[ December 10, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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How to convert others to linux?
« Reply #16 on: 10 December 2002, 12:15 »
Thanks for the explanation void man. Feel much better now... I have had lots of viruses on windows and I could never seem to kill off the little buggers.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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How to convert others to linux?
« Reply #17 on: 10 December 2002, 12:40 »
unethical ones'
a, i was one of them/*still am, just have different warez then most do.......*/ and i switched becuase of function. and so did some of the people i k

Ethics? Not using MS stuff is not always about ethics.

Imagine it as the semi-corrupt mentality(for lack of a better term). You would use Wind0ze if it truly was awesome, but was still tied to MS's corrput practices. It is all about you, not the greater good. MS's corrupt practices don't affect you, but a shitty OS sure does. So the corrupt d00dz hop aboard the anti-MS/Linux bandwagon and say "f0ck this! No one shall screw me over!".

This ideal I listed above is the embodiment of Lazygamer, someone who has little ethics, feels no wrong in his heart for being a warez d00d(like Chaos mentioned), but shan't let ANYONE screw him over. So basically, joining the revolution is the only way to not be screwed over.  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality