What? Aqua reminds you of KDE 2.2? Man, I've been using KDE since version 1.0 and I cannot see where you found even the slightest resemblance between KDE and Aqua!
It was
your picture. And what I'm seeing in
that picture definitely reminds me of KDE 2.2. In particular, the implementation of KDE that comes with ELX PreGold. As for the rest of Aqua, well, I don't know about that as I don't have it. However, I see a great resemblance between that one pic, and I'm sure they meant it to best reflect on that PowerBook G4 they were selling. Did I mention that I was talking about that one pic?
And what about this Apple has declared war with the Linux and the Open source community?
Again, this comes from that ad which
you linked to: "Sends other UNIX Boxes to /dev/null". To be sure, that could mean just about anything: HP-UX or Solaris. I would have let the whole subject go, as I have no interest whatsoever to get involved in the Mac v. PC Jihad.
This new OS has accomplished in a short period of time what others have struggled to do for years: bring a compelling, widely accepted GUI (called Aqua) to UNIX.
-- Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly Network
Despite the implied attack on XFree86, KDE, and GNOME, I'd've even been willing to let even that pass. Nor do I really give a damn one way or another about these proprietary *NIXs. OS X can eat 'em for breakfast, for all I care. However this just pisses me off to a fair-thee-well:
After two-and-a-half years of Linux, I've finally found a joy in a UNIX operating system. And I found it when I purchased a Macintosh -- the first one I've ever owned.
--John Hummel Jr., The Gamer's Press
(Emphasis Mine)
That was a
deliberate attack on Linux. I don't tolerate Windoid fucktards spreading such anti-Linux FUD, and I won't tolerate it from Apple-using fucktards either. :mad: (And if Hummel can't figure out Linux after 2.5 years, then he really
is a
hopeless fucktard.
) In fact, that's even worse. At least His Gatesness has the honesty to openly proclaim what he thinks of Open Source. At the very least, he doesn't take from the Open Source community then stab it in the back, which is
exactly what this advertisement does. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Live Free or Die: Linux
Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.
[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]