Author Topic: oh man linux user must read this one  (Read 1885 times)


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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #30 on: 15 April 2003, 18:51 »
look, unix is almost as proprietary as windows, and so are a lot of unix-alikes. macOSX is a unix-alike system where they have taken as much Free code as possible and basically kept it as proprietary as possible. microsoft had the cheek to pinch the TCP/IP stack from *BSD for winNT, but apple stole an entire operating system! apple are a much more proprietary company than microsoft and the only people rally round them is their "radical" stylish "vision" and the fact that in the marketplace they are the underdog (compared with windows).

i don't give a fuck what software you use, but you cannot be so proprietary and elitist and reap the benefits of Free software. it should not be allowed. apple are treading the very edge of that boundary and i for one wish they would fuck off back on their own side of the line or get shot for trespassing (metaphorically).

Yes they make great stuff, yes they have style, but they're taking the piss out of open source software when they should be tackling their competition, other software companies. bunch of cowards.

and who cares where that advert was? i often see adverts for "microsoft exchange server" and shit on linux websites. if microsoft are stupid enough to pay for those adverts, i would like to think people are clever enough to ignore them, and the same goes for apple, except that what makes me angry is that they are clever enough that people will actually be taken in.

I feel highly annoyed that apple would condescend to insult linux users in a linux magazine!

and you people wonder why i get annoyed at apple! well if you can't see it on your own, i can't tell you.

edit: and that screenshot looks more like GNOME 2 to me, just to keep this on topic (something nobody has EVER been concerned about in these forums EVER before).

[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]

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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #31 on: 15 April 2003, 19:43 »
Mac is meant to be some kind of god of open source or something, all it seems to me is that they are feeding off us.

Look at us we are apple we get all the great and free open source software, and pile it all in an easy to use, good looking proprietary system.

We gave back some khtml crap.

Apple is fscked, i still want one, osx looks great and all, but they are feeding of the open source community.

Thats just my view, flame on  


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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #32 on: 15 April 2003, 19:58 »
my mind is being more and more swayed to the view that Apple has used us...  :(
now most if not all free software will run on macs due to the unix base.
looking at what we could get in return how great would it be to have apple software run on nix systems?  how cool would it be for apple to actually release an open source "emulator" similar to WINE that could run all mac programs? we would get a lot of new good programs eg : games.
yet how likely is it to happen?
apple has doubled the amount of programs that can run on its OS.
in return they still dont want any mac OS programs running on linux...
i feel betrayed.  :(
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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #33 on: 15 April 2003, 20:46 »
good thinking. nice to see something other than mac arse licking on here.

it would indeed be nice if apple put any effort at all into making even one of their most run of the mill programs that already runs in windows (quicktime) available for *nix platforms, but no.
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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #34 on: 15 April 2003, 21:07 »
yeah making mac programs portable to linux would be cool.  it would mean that by supporting either MS competitior you supported all MS competition. (eg good gesture of solidarity)
by making each OS's programs "interoperable" then their would be more of a solid/united front presented.
note : note an anti mac flame, just a thought!
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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #35 on: 16 April 2003, 00:36 »
this ad was also posted in the Linuxformat magazine by the way.
Now isn't that the smart thing to do? Advertise in a Linux on-line magazine that spreads the most common form of anti-Linux FUD. Take another look at that comment: "After two-and-a-half years of Linux, I've finally found a joy in a UNIX operating system. And I found it when I purchased a Macintosh -- the first one I've ever owned." Isn't that the very thing that you see from Windoids: Linux isn't ready for "prime time", Linux makes a great server, but it's "too hard" to install; it's "too hard" for the casual user to run as a desktop system; the "average Joe" can't deal with a command line, yada, yada, yada. To hear these Windoids tell it, it's still 1995. They totally ignore the progress Linux has made in installers to the point that putting most distros on a system is no more difficult that doing an install of Win 2K. To hear them tell it, Linux is still a "green-screen" op-sys, and such things as GNOME or KDE never happened.    :eek:  

Let's do a little creative editing here: "After two-and-a-half years of Linux, I've finally found  a joy in an operating system. And I found it when I purchased Windows XP -- the first Windows I've ever owned". There, does that sound a bit more familiar?    :rolleyes:  

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
I'll tell you exactly what the fuck is wrong with me: when you take from the Open Source community, and make no mistake about this: FreeBSD was made by the Open Source community, it is expected that you will give back to that community. That means either by means of payment and/or contributions to the community, by giving back code for projects whose bugs you fixed, or for enhancements you've made. The GPL makes this an explicit requirement, whereas the BSD License does not. However, what I do expect is that you will not profit from all the work that the Open Source community has done, and then stab that very community in the back. When Apple fills its ads for its products with FUD directed explicitly at Linux, then, that is exactly what they are doing.    :mad:   Apple should have told John Hummel to take his testimonial and fuck off. I don't expect Apple to assist Linux; I do expect Apple to not hinder Linux  
Should this page be renamed "The Apple Eradication Society" or what?
It may come to that, given attitudes such as that put on display in that ad.  
Have we commited a crime when we purchased our Macs that we don't know about?
So now you know about it, so don't do it anymore.        Or you could go onto whatever Mac forums you visit, and demand that Apple stop spreading FUD against Linux, and do something to support the community that's been their Golden Goose.  
How about you guys kick us all Mac users out of these forums and keep it for yourselves?
We don't kick Winderz users out unless they start flame wars and throw baseless FUD about. So far, all our Mac users have been very well behaved. In this case, the problem isn't with the users, it's the company and its ads that perpetuate the anti-Linux FUD that originated in Redmond.
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.

[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #36 on: 16 April 2003, 02:28 »

[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]


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oh man linux user must read this one
« Reply #37 on: 16 April 2003, 03:49 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
We don't kick Winderz users out unless they start flame wars and throw baseless FUD about. So far, all our Mac users have been very well behaved. In this case, the problem isn't with the users, it's the company and its ads that perpetuate the anti-Linux FUD that originated in Redmond.
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.

[ April 15, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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