Author Topic: Curious about Lindows...  (Read 523 times)


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Curious about Lindows...
« on: 15 August 2002, 10:35 »
Has anyone had good experience with Lindows operating system?  stability, software compatibility, etc.?  

and XP user, before you chime in... No, I'm not interested.  If you haven't noticed, this is a forum for people who have decided for themselves that M$ is not for them; Other forums exist for M$ fans, and I suggest you go there.  Nuff said.  :cool:
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Curious about Lindows...
« Reply #1 on: 15 August 2002, 18:26 »
As a user of the Debian Linux distribution, my opinion will be biased; that's not to say that I'm anti-Lindows, at least from the point of hating the basic idea of a dumbed-down Linux distribution, I'm all for making Linux more accessable for the average computer user.  That being said, I DON'T like Lindows for the following reasons 1. Paying for the privilige of downloading applications that AREN'T proprietary; $99.00/year to do what other distros do for free?  I don't think so!  2. Security; when ANY Linux distro encourages internet use as "root", there's something wrong; that's an invitation to disaster. 3. The ability to run MS programs from Lindows; well, if WINE was more capable, I'd say fine, but I've used WINE in the past, it's nice, sometimes it even works, but I prefer native Linux applications; there's no real reason to use an emulator.
Basically, I see no valid reason to use Lindows; there's better distros available; don't let marketing FUD give you a false impression.
BTW; as far as I know, Lindows is still a beta distro; I haven't seen any announcement of a final release candidate; that means you're paying to test their software for them- kinda like MS, huh?
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Curious about Lindows...
« Reply #2 on: 21 August 2002, 16:36 »
Lindows sounds good, check the screenshots it is fully gonna get Windows users into it!


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Curious about Lindows...
« Reply #3 on: 21 August 2002, 16:55 »
why is a linux based system, have questions in the not quite mainstream os's, i think ill move this one to linux/unix

as for my opinion of lindows, there not playing by the rules, and should fail, don't buy anyhting from them and they will.

and for getting windows users, unfourtantly, as the fortune program says, the solution that is least best, will win
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Curious about Lindows...
« Reply #4 on: 21 August 2002, 17:11 »
Originally posted by creedon:
I DON'T like Lindows for the following reasons 1. Paying for the privilige of downloading applications that AREN'T proprietary; $99.00/year to do what other distros do for free?  I don't think so!  huh?

thats just the insider price... they claim that the isniders are getting a deal worth $300, and thats what i suspect they will jac k the price up to if not now, then eventually.
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