Originally posted by Calum:
hello again all, i don't have plugger, i will have to see about getting it,is it free?
in the meantime i installed a java2 runtime environment and i now have shockwave flash installed in mozilla and galeon. still not working in phoenix or konqueror, but i prefer galeon anyway.
i tried to install netscape 6 from the cover CD of an issue of Australian PC from last year but it seemed to be some hacked version with odd config files, so no joy, it wouldn't compile.
Now. What about macromedia director? how do we gqet them to work? example: when i visit this site with linux2.4/galeon:
i get a message telling me to download the director plugin, then i get redirected to a page telling me to upgrade from netscape 6 to netscape 6.1!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
what's the deal?
You will never get a proprietary format to work that requires a proprietary plugin unless there is a version of the plugin available for Linux. Unless there is an app capable of handling that format in which case it can be added to the plugger configuration and that app could be spawned by plugger.
Flash is a separate plugin (plugger does not handle flash, the Macromedia Flash plugin for Linux handles it directly). You can download it from Macromedia. I have it working on Mozilla with no trouble (but I also downloaded and installed Java from Sun as I believe some flash pages also require Java).
Plugger handles *many* other formats. But it relies on other system apps to provide that functionality, and those apps must also be installed before the format can be viewed/played.
Plugger was included on the RedHat 8.0 CDs although it was not installed by default, nor does it appear on their new software installation utility. But you can install it using the rpm command. It was also included in earlier versions. The web site for plugger is here:
http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger.htmlAnd if you get all the plugins working in Mozilla/Netscape the way you want they should also work in Konqueror by running the "nspluginscan" (there is a button to scan plugins in the Konqueror options menu).
Here is a list of plugins that I show when I do a "Help->About Plugins" in Mozilla:
File name: plugger.so
Plugger version 4.0, written by Fredrik H