Author Topic: Windows XPSP2 Now  (Read 1273 times)


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Windows XPSP2 Now
« on: 26 August 2003, 07:16 »
This heartfelt message is for the good people at Microsoft: Delaying Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) to 2004--any time in 2004--is a mistake of epic proportions. Windows Update currently provides almost 100MB of updates the first time you turn on an XP SP1 box, and almost half of those updates are critical security updates. That situation isn't too troublesome for customers who have broadband connections, but for most people (in other words, most of your customers--you know, the people you supposedly care so much about), 100MB of code is an often-insurmountable amount to download and install. If you're serious about making SP2 all about security and bug fixes, and if you're serious about keeping your customers as safe and secure as possible, I strongly urge you to stop whatever other work the Windows client team is doing immediately and ship XP SP2 within the month. Then, adopt a schedule in which you deliver new Windows client service packs every 6 months on the nose and make CD-ROMs with those fixes available--for free--in major electronics stores such as Best Buy and CompUSA. If you don't do this--and I suspect you won't because you're dead set to complete whatever silly long-term road map you've started--you will have undermined any remaining good will your customers still have toward you. Remember when you supposedly "stopped on a dime" and embraced the Internet? Why don't you truly make a difference by stopping on a dime and embracing your customers with the security fixes they all desperately need? It's almost too late.

And yes, it's a pro windows site, if you keep reading infact, you'll find this little treasure:
Mossberg isn't the only person taking advantage of the recent spate of security problems to tout his favorite platform. "LinuxWorld" published a rant this week in which it declared, "Microsoft continues to demonstrate that [it is] years behind Linux and open-source innovators in many areas, not the least of which is security." That statement is fascinating but untrue for the reasons cited earlier. The real problem is that the article claims Linux is more secure than Windows because turning off unused services in Linux is "trivial." The idea that anything in Linux is trivial is almost humorous because your definition of trivial depends on your experience level. Is a control panel that enables and disables services Linux's only security advantage? Frankly, the knowledge and experience of the people who use these systems is what counts, which basically proves that Linux is no more secure than Windows; Linux just has more technical users.

Personally, I don't see how their argument helps the windows scene. It seems to me like they are ranting themselves. (when you put the two articles together, its hard to imagine their thought process)


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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #1 on: 26 August 2003, 07:35 »

[ August 26, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]


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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #2 on: 26 August 2003, 07:43 »
 Frankly, the knowledge and experience of the people who use these systems is what counts, which basically proves that Linux is no more secure than Windows; Linux just has more technical users.

What makes linux more secure is not only to turn off services but also its the fact that linux in general HAS made less mistakes.  It isn't ranting when your pointing out the obvious.  

It seems its ok for the windows comunity to start screeming at linux because they don't get it or use some FUD like SCO.  But when we bring forth the truth or point out their mistakes.  All of a sudden its considered ranting.

Yes technical knwoledge is always good for the user, but its not the users fault when the makers just keep fsking up!

It takes more than simple patches.  It takes knowing what the heck you built in the first place, thus you can repair it.  But when 90% has been stolen and you don't know how to read code properly then whatever OS it is it ain't gonna get very far!

Bottem line.  M$ is about marketing ONLY! not about computers and their Operating Systems.

[ August 25, 2003: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #3 on: 26 August 2003, 16:32 »
which basically proves that Linux is no more secure than Windows; Linux just has more technical users.

Hang on a minute, if Linux is attracting the more technical users what does that tell you. That more savvy, technical users know exactly the deal with M$ and choose Linux, because what, it's better?

Strange that, eh.
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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #4 on: 27 August 2003, 05:45 »
The best thing Microsoft could do in Service Pack 2 for XP is to write it like this:

cout << "Welcome to Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2. This will fix all the bugs on your computer. Click next to proceed."

if (proceed_clicked == yes)
       format C:\
       display "Please insert your Linux CD now."


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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #5 on: 28 August 2003, 14:14 »
Originally posted by bwid_s_01:

if (proceed_clicked == yes)
       format C:\
       display "Please insert your Linux CD now."

And, of course, the computer vender's recovery CD contained Linux.


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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #6 on: 28 August 2003, 14:20 »
it'd never work. how could they pad this out into the customary 100MB required for a service pack?

real windows users know they're getting their money's worth if they get 100MB or more!
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Windows XPSP2 Now
« Reply #7 on: 28 August 2003, 15:16 »
include a basic Linux install image with the service pack
Go the fuck ~