Author Topic: SuSe 7.3 CD Image  (Read 618 times)


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SuSe 7.3 CD Image
« on: 27 January 2002, 10:09 »
Does anyone know where I can download an ISO/CD Image of SuSe 7.3? Ws_FTP is having many problems downloading indivudial files from any of the mirrors available, and ISO would help.


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SuSe 7.3 CD Image
« Reply #1 on: 27 January 2002, 10:34 »
Sure, and I think the best file grabber is "wget" (included with most Linux distros). I see there is even a Windows version of wget but I've never tried it under Windows. I notice you are probably using a Mac hopefully OSX. If so it may also come with wget, if not you should be able to download/compile the source. I like wget because it is easy to schedule large file downloads since it is a command line utility.  It can download files via FTP and via HTTP and has many options (can even suck down an entire web site with a single command).

Syntax for single file (such as an ISO):
wget URL

In *NIX (and I presume OSX) I schedule the wget downloads using either "at" or "cron", in Win* you could use "at" or "Task Scheduler" to schedule the downloads for off-peak times (be bandwidth friendly).  But you may already know all of this stuff. Maybe it'll help someone else if nothing else. I just had four jobs kick off a few minutes ago to download all of the FreeBSD CD images.  They'll be ready for burning in the morning.  In fact if I would have been thinking I would have added a command to burn the first CD as soon as it finished downloading. And of course I try and give copies to any of my friends who want them after doing this so they don't have to eat up more bandwidth.

[ January 27, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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SuSe 7.3 CD Image
« Reply #2 on: 27 January 2002, 12:58 »
Thanks Alot for this cool site.

Stinks that SuSE doesn't have a i386 full version like u can buy in the stores.

Sorry to dissapoint you, but I am a Windows user. I hate windows and Microsoft's evil business practices.

I am getting a new imac when they either have dual monitor suport or higher resolution support.