Author Topic: kid who does not want broadband  (Read 939 times)


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kid who does not want broadband
« on: 18 August 2003, 14:57 »
ok i'm starting college this year broadband will cost to much but i have to be able to recieve phone calls i also do not have money to pay for two lines i have heard of modems that will park conections for you and let you answer the phone.

I was thinking of getting one from ebay do they actually exist or are they just stuff made to rip us users off by the way i need one for mandrake9.1 as  i want to completely remove windows from my pc the only thing i use windows is for the net.

i think windows does not deserve the 20 gig i gave it cus it freezes after 2 hours of use beleive me thats anoying aspecailly when you have coursework to do.

this on a brand new pc amd 1.8 athlon xp
512 ram
40 gig disk
cdrw dvd combo
cdrom drive
conexant modem
5.1 souncard

windows 98 was installed by a oem with all correct settings i practically blew my entire savings on this pc and it turns out to freeze on windows and on linux it shows its true power.

I have completely got used to mandrake within two weeks ok and gimp wow its the same as photoshop better in some ways i've used photoshop 6,7,8
the only thing they have going for them is crappy brushes and layering is much harder to use. oh and it can't edit jpegs due to some layering issue even though gimp has simmilar difficulty it still edits them without problem though you can't use layering.

screenshots were complicated at first i used the screen capture program everything is fine now  mozilla composer is much smoother than frontpage lovin it.

I hate people who dis gimp it has great potentail if only it had more brushes even though the brushes it has are good. the extra's are nice especailly the web theme's.

the games are great i don't miss any of the games i have on my windows partition. which will soon be gone.

i'm lovin open office and koffice ive learnt how to make presentations spreadsheets graphs word programs.

the media players play all the necasary files   like quicktime moveis dvd's mpeg vidoe avi rar files and tons of others

wow 7 chat cleints and 6 web browsers image view programs i'm in heaven or having a wonderfull dream.
linux is wayyyyy cool
windows plain sucks


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kid who does not want broadband
« Reply #1 on: 18 August 2003, 15:36 »
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but if you'd just slow down a little, your post would be a little more readable   :D  

The items you seek are v.92 modems. Yes, they exist, and in relatively great number. My iBook 600 (Late 2001) has one.

Zoom makes a relatively good one. It's an internal PCI device, and it's a full hardware-based modem, and not a cruddy Winmodem. It'll run you about $65 or $70.

Here's the kicker. Your phone company and ISP both have to support it for the call hold feature to work. If they don't, then you've got nothing more than an expensive v.90 modem.

And the Gimp... better than Photoshop? Uh... nah, sorry, man. I occasionally have to send stuff to print shops (I'm an indy musician and I've made two sets of album art for CDs that never got finished) and if I'd used Gimp, I couldn't have done it right, as it has no CMYK support. Someone that knows... does Gimp even do HSV?

How many chat clients? How many browsers? I have two chat clients and a browser. I only need one at a time. I guess that's the difference in the Mac way and the Linux way, eh? :)

BTW: There's no Photoshop 8. 7 is the latest release
Go the fuck ~


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kid who does not want broadband
« Reply #2 on: 18 August 2003, 23:14 »
sory i got too caried away in my typing and i didn't bother to read what i wrote.

wow i didn't really need that suported i only ever make stuff for posters which is no joke. by the way i think thats because those people  who you record cd for you can't suport that file type made on gimp try using a diffrent file type.

i saw like 1 million of those v.92 modems on ebay and they were cheap
linux is wayyyyy cool
windows plain sucks


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kid who does not want broadband
« Reply #3 on: 19 August 2003, 02:42 »

And the Gimp... better than Photoshop? Uh... nah, sorry, man. I occasionally have to send stuff to print shops (I'm an indy musician and I've made two sets of album art for CDs that never got finished) and if I'd used Gimp, I couldn't have done it right, as it has no CMYK support. Someone that knows... does Gimp even do HSV?

Gimp does CMYK support now.  Don't know about HSV, because I don't use the program much.

And who's to say one program is better than the other?  It depends on the person doing the graphic editing.  

I tend to think that most of these Gimp/Photoshop arguments are based on what the arguer has used extensively.  If you've spent years becoming proficient on Photoshop, you won't become equally proficient on Gimp in only a few minutes.  Same with using Gimp and going to Photoshop.  Some people simply don't have time to learn anything new, and others just simply believe there's nothing better than what they use, regardless of whether or not it's the truth.

On Linux and Windows, it doesn't matter anyway, since both Gimp and Photoshop run on both platforms now. (Photoshop via Wine or Crossover Office, anyway).  The user can determine what's best for him/her, regardless of platform.


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kid who does not want broadband
« Reply #4 on: 19 August 2003, 04:24 »
Holden Special Vehicles?  Anyone care to clue me in here? (WTF is HSV?)
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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kid who does not want broadband
« Reply #5 on: 19 August 2003, 06:02 »
if Gimp does CMYK, I'll give it another shot. I like the way it's laid out better than PS.

And HSV is Hue/Saturation/Value, the old school Mac OS (System 7 and previous) method of defining colors on screen.

kibawarrior... RGB vs CMYK isn't a matter of file type, it's a matter of how you mix the colors. Printers use CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK), and to make sure your colors match what they're going to produce, it's best to mix your colors using the same method. You can then give them CMYK values to check against so that the printed document perfectly matches what you intend.
Go the fuck ~